Assasination Rogue Questions

Hello all been trying Assassination Rogue on my rogue alt and finding the rework great but after trying a few dungeons and low level mythic pluses I been finding that my bleeds do a ton of more damage than poisons.

Envenom seems to be the only poison that does a significant amount and poison bomb. So I’m curious if it wasn’t better to drop poison talents and focus more on bleeds talents like arterial precision and drop dragon tempered blades.

I would check out a couple sites to see what people are running.


Either way DTB is pretty standard due to the utility it gives with antrophic/crippling and damage boosts with amplify/deadly poisons.

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The current M+ specs from our lead theorycrafter.

Exactly what im doing now and did pre 10.2.

With the exception of kingsbane because its really good in single target at potentially in Aoe with Caustic spatter.

Im currently not taking DTB but instead going down the left to AP but also not taking Tea but Lethality instead.

Ive already seen 250k garottes.

Thanks for all the help, appreciate it.

Yeah Garrote is always top 3 in damage.

Rogue talent setups largely depend on two factors; is it pve or pvp…and is it small scale or large scale engagements.

You’ll probably have 4 different builds with slight variations for:

PvE single target / bosses
PvE for M+
PvP for Arenas
PvP for BG’s / Blitz

Larger fights favor bleed oriented specs. Smaller engagements favor poison oriented specs.