Assa rogue - single target damage (M+ bosses)

Hey, everyone!

I’m fresh as assa rogue, last time raided as assa in 2nd or 3rd season of Cataclysm (Firelands Raid).

Have some questions, I would be very thanksful if good rog will answer me.

  1. Energy Manegment on single target (Boss in M+)
    Should I control my energy and not let it fall below the level (20-30%) when Thistle Tea is automatically used? Or just need to pump? It’s disgusting when the boss has no adds and your energy is very low.

  2. Competition on single target (Boss in M+)
    Atm I’m in 12 keys, on bosses often I use x2 times DeathMark+KB (generally 3 times Kingsbane).
    My item level is 634 and my two trinkets are 626. Usually I deal 10-20% less damage to single target than ret pala or fury warr for example, if I have to run on the boss and in a group with ranges, then more, in ARAK on last boss I generally lose my DPS horribly, due to constant dashes while the casters are doing pew pew, is it so for you?

  3. Bleeds refresh on single target (Boss in M+)
    Best time for refreshing bleeds on the single target, in your opinion, is it necessary to refresh bleeds at the very minimum of duration or is there an approximate threshold when this should be done, for example, when Garrote has 6 seconds left (+18 seconds = maximum possible time 24 sec).

and 4th question about LARGE packs with medium health pull.
Should I try to bleed many of mobs or just same as a little packs x2 Garrote + Rupture and x1 Crimson Tempest (5-6 targets with bleeds) and just play one target with maxumum health with Caustic Spatter (+ DM and KB two minutes before the boss)?

Sin rogue ST in m+ build is one of the worst atm. You can swap a few talents around to trade aoe dam for st but you’re not going to be doing anything special even then. However you shouldn’t be losing a huge amount of damage on bosses you don’t have full uptime on because you have dots rolling and energy is regenerating when off target. Just make sure you are timing your cds so you have full uptime during them and minimise overcapping energy during downtime.

The general rule for energy is that you want to maintain max uptime on envenom buff, while keeping above 30 energy. If you can’t keep envenom buff up without dipping under 30 you let evenom fall off, pool back to 150ish energy, and start envenoming again. I like to pool a bit more if dm/kb are coming up.

The optimum time to refresh bleeds is during the pandemic window (<=30% duration left), refreshing sooner than this is lost value. Exception is not overwriting empowered garrotes with regular ones or if the target will die before the bleeds get value.

Your last question can depend on who you’re playing with. A ret pal or fury war will decimate them so its almost not even worth trying anything, but if you’re looking to get damage out fast I generally try to not spread bleeds (but depends if carnage/stealth is up) and just a rupture into CT/mut/fok/envenom. There’s not really a perfect one fits all answer here, you just have to get a feel for what globals you can skip depending on the situation.


For dot management just refresh when there is 1/4 of the duration left as a rule of thumb.
This works for the min duration of 18s and max duration of 24s.

This applies to every dot. A third is too high at 24s since that will be 8s left when the pandemic is only 6s, so just go with a quarter


I’ll answer how I do things, whether or not they are optimal, I’m not sure. 636ilvl, raid focused but have done enough keys.

  1. Energy management. Tbh I go full ham on mythic plus bosses. On raid bosses I slow down when it’s close to Kingsbane time. I track TT charges and try to have 1 available for that. Since m+ bosses die much faster I just burst.
  2. Comparison dps. I am usually 3rd, sometimes 2nd, and can top if someone dies, on ST boss fights against the regular people I run with, but beat them on aoe/trash pulls, and can get 1st ST with pugs. My dmg goes way down on ST compared to trash. It’s different when raiding and using an optimal ST build and it is what it is. It’s still sufficient dps for the key.
  3. ST Refresh. I personally tend to refresh at minimum duration. I don’t pay too much attention tbh. I track Darkest Night and Deathstalker’s Mark specifically but only watch dot timers on nameplates. This is probably something I could improve at on bosses.
  4. Mass aoe. I treat these almost exactly the same as small packs. I don’t switch targets unless I have to and I focus whichever one I’m meant to be kicking. The only difference is I might Vanish midway if dots are falling off faster than mobs are dying.