As the title says I am looking for a Mythic Raiding guild that is looking to push for CE, I have been in numerous guilds that have offered CE potential only to face the roster boss later on in the tier and struggle to push pass the wall bosses because of inconsistent people or people not putting in the same effort as the team. I am situated in WA (Western Aus) So I am looking for raid times around 7pm or 8pm Server time, on mainly weekdays with Sunday 3 days a week with the opportunity to step down the 3rd night to 2 nights a week (If that is an option)
What to expect of me?
-Show up on time 10 minutes before raid begins
-All gear, enchanted, gemmed, etc with all the best stuff the end game has to offer, including crafted pieces.
-Full vault loot at the end of reset week. (A bit of a min maxing elitist with gear)
-Always looking to pump numbers and improve my raiding scope. (I hate being carried)
-Good internet connection and no PC breakdowns.
-Extensively working on my class to play to the best of my capabilities through all resources available to me.
What I expect of the guild is, Good banter, good roster with the option to sit on farm bosses, fair loot opportunities (M+ will always be king of gear grinding though) and just an all around good time.
I am looking to raid on both or either of these characters, I just need to pump the DK up which isn’t an issue. I have been a DK since wrath up until TWW.
Rogue Logs - Sanleroine (Only started playing rogue in TWW)
DK Logs - Scargrim (Check Dragonflight Expansion)
Bnet - Grim#14825
Discord - scargrim
Feel free to contact me however way, Looking forward to hearing from people with what they have to offer!