Assa burst question

Hey, everyone!

Need advice from experienced PVE assa veterans.

Does it make sense to use Kingsbane so, that the last 1, 2 or 3 seconds (idk maybe even more) of the ability have to be under the Lingering Darkness buff (+30% nature damage for 30 sec after Deathmark) heroic talent? Or is it better to use Kingsbane within the Deathmark duration?

I tested it several times, I didn’t notice any differences, maybe it was just random enough for the test, but 30% damage buff potential looks very tempting.

Honestly, I use a rotation helper addon (Hero Rotation). I use Kingsbane when it tells me to.

However, I think the gist of it is to save a charge of Shiv and Thistle Tea for Kingsbane and use it on cool down.


You want to save Kingsbane to use in conjunction with Deathmark’s double tick. You want to save Shiv for the remaining time of Kingsbane so that you get max value while Kingsbane has max stacks. So DM → Kingsbane → Normal rotation until Kingsbane has 8 seconds left → Shiv. Lingering Darkness should basically be up the entire time of your burst window from the initial setup.