Aspect of the Turtle is a Joke

2.5 min Cd
8 seconds that you are unable to attack in while doing near nothing to prevent damage casted on you.

Every other class can fight through their immunities (ret/rogue) or at least in the case of DH have full immunity.

As the game progressed Aspect of the turtle is a relic of old mechanics that need something new.

Works fine for me!

You misspelled “amazing” in your title.

Wasn’t AotT originally a high damage mitigation, not 100%, but it let you attack when it was up? Don’t remember the patch it was changed, got renamed too.

I wouldn’t mind some middle ground here, a passive that lets us trade AotT for 2 additional charges of Survival of the Fittest.

You have to spend some points to get the base CD down, but I think AotT is ok as-is.

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It amazes me that Chelonian Crest was right there, and they just DIDN’T integrate it into the tree after Torghast, literally the simplest solution besides double a algorithm stat for exhilaration’s focus spent to CD reduction. Just double or triple that and we’re golden, or make Turtle a combat shield with more uptime to bridge the 2 minute gaps we have on ALL 6 something defensives Hunters have.

You also have fort of the bear/ survival of the fittest and a bunch of passive damage reduction, the ability to get out of a roots and immune with aspect of the turtle that has a bunch of cdr talents to reduce it to ~1minute?

It does not, but it’s still good.

Only thing I’d change with turtle is that while it’s up it actually works as an immune all the time. New encounters you need to sort out what it will actually work on.

There are very few mechanics it doesn’t work as immunity on.

Just unlike a lot of others it doesn’t clear dots/debuffs.

In PvP it is a big joke, load up dots and even when used, you die through SotF + bear, pve maybe not so much.

I would agree that it needs to provide a full immunity if you’re going to be locked out of combat or at the least allow feign death to remove dots so you’re not dying while doing nothing. However i do feel the best thing would be to allow us to continue to fight through it.

edit I would also vouch for it to put all dots on a pause while you have shell on so you may even be able to pull off a restealth without it breaking it immediately.


Yeah it’s really weak against dots. My main is an affliction lock, and when I see a hunter I immediately switch to them because I know they can’t stop my damage.

Yeah dude, that was the mode since Legion. I had complained about it then. We’ve come a long way anyway, and if you know what you’re doing, you don’t even really want to use it.

Consider how Cashmeowside’s World’s Fastest Oneshots uses it in Arena. Given that he can just delete the first teammate in 3’s within seconds, it’s quite balanced ATC. Not just any DPS spec can just drop someone within 1-3 hot seconds. Other classes actually need the handicap to use their DCDs offensively, and there’s no cap about it.

Early Turtle means you lose. The least you use it, the better-skilled you are. In a perfect world, Turtle would always be on CD, so you have to change your mind about what it can be good for. This is mostly a petless MM issue, but your pets will still do their damage which greatly benefits BM. You can do plenty of non-offensive actions during Turtle. You should see it more as a “stance dance”.

You’re right that it’s a joke, but I can tell bigger ones: keeping it off CD, making an effort to remember it’s there, and popping it way too early…

I’m absolutely going to wreck the competition in Classic Legion.

I’d rather consider how many powered on soldering irons i can hammer under my nails.


That’s not a bad boot camp training exercise for MM, actually…

Turtle, obviously, is good for preventing mass damage, but not before you’re just dumping it faster than the other guy. His videos do demonstrate that quite beautifully in 3’s.

Pretty confident Istol’s post is meant to be funny/done so jokingly so I won’t rip on it.

The skill itself is a relic of an era of wow that really has moved on. Would love to see it get improvements If it was a 1m cooldown I would be pretty good with that, even 1.5 min is a bit of a stretch but far better than the 2.5 min cooldown we have now. Simply just not something that can keep up in today’s wow.

Comedy is about telling the truth, right? Carlos Mencia probably stole my joke for his dee-dee-dee routine. “I URRLY TUTTLED!”

And yes, he would made fun of Early Turtlers because that’s the kind of people he did made fun of.

We used to have standard-issue Double Deterrence coming soon for Classic Mists and soon™ for Classic Warlords. It did the same thing and even could REFLECT BACK spells which Turtle never did. Why was THIS older relic done away with?