Aspect of the Lion: health/mana glitch

I’m not sure what conditions need to be met to recreate this bug, but my entire raid group’s health/mana was stuck at some number underneath the full maximum number. Even if you tried to heal the missing health, it would just go back down. This was happening out of combat. For example if your max health is 1396, your health would be stuck at ~1281 for some reason. It would go up to 1295 each regen tick, but then go back down to 1281 repeatedly, and never actually go past either of those numbers.

I know videos aren’t allowed on this forum, but it really helps demonstrate whats happening: imgur. com/a/0e3injl

It seems like theres an issue with the implementation of runes that adjust health in general, e.g. Way of earth has issues though they are not as severe.

Fairly confident this is because of two hunters being in the same raid trying to activate Aspect of the Lion and for a moment one buff overwrites the other temporarily creating a stat deficiency or something. I just left a raid full of hunters because I couldn’t stand seeing + and - Aspect of the Lion raining down on my UI for 15 minutes.