Asmongold said Mitch killed HC

Anyone catch the stream of HC being killed before it even takes off?

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While I have zero interest in HC. Anything that has to do with Mitchjones is just click bait and not relevant. The dude is a head case.

Simple fact Asmongold is as popular as he is our future is not bright. lol

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If you’re cheating to circumvent the rules then that ruins it. Brings in a lot of “well they did it so now can I.”

If you’re not able to abide by the rules, why do it?

You act as if people havent tried to cheat ever in a game or game mode. lol

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Yes, because we should believe everything this weird guy says. Great.

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The more drama the more :dollar:

Not for HC streamers, just Mitch. Retail took a place above HC in searches now. Ooof

I worry about that Mitch guy.

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Mich is bad for any game he plays… regardless of his skill the guy has caused so much damage to wow over all, he’s the king of scumlords

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In the video they go on to say he edited the addon to allow trading and deaths etc. the impact to HC trends has already been massive.

official HC doa as expected.

People cheat, sure. My point is that this is a player driven challenge. It’s not going to last forever. FOMO is something else and to have to cheat to be in the circle is a really sad thing to see.

I hear you… but I dont think Mitch or any other streamer is going to kill HC. In fact, its been comical to watch streamers jump on the bandwagon to keep viewship up.

The HC community will say when and if it dies.

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Can’t believe HC is dead :cry:

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Oh yea I don’t care about streamers. I do enjoy some content, but their opinion holds no sway. I just think them having to cheat at a player made challenge is so weird. Like trying to be number one at the tide pod challenge.

Its funny that he got caught cheating. Just goes to show you how really smart he is.

I can’t tell if you guys are being serious or not, asmon is clearly being sarcastic here…Mitch is a known cheater, so him cheating on the hardcore addon shouldn’t be surprising to anyone.


I wouldn’t say this ruins HC so much as it ruins the integrity of the add on and shows why some of us would like to the see some of the rules implemented on Blizzards end.

People have been cheating the add on since it was made.


HC troll can’t understand the sarcasm from Asmon’s stream. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Yo, how long is left on your sub? When can we expect you to exit?


We get it. You’re upset about the delay in SoM. These posts are not necessary though.