Who cares? Is tbc perfect? Nah. Regardless, I’m not jumping on the bandwagon just cause that doofus did.
imagine if madseason started playing New World? That would get the bandwagon moving
Madseason was quite outspoken about being against the boosts and mount in TBC if im not mistaken. I do not think he would go to new world.
I am sure there are tons of games Asmon has played of the years.
who is asmon?
Before calling him a doofus you should probably watch his assessment video of it, because he says after sinking about 185 hours into the two betas it’s nowhere near ready for prime-time, and still has gameplay bugs galore.
He’s a lot like Paris Hilton, their surface personality is nothing like who they really are, that’s just who they are publicly because it makes them money.
I want to play New World. Video cards are my inhibition. Maybe if Amazon would get some video cards to sell at MSRP to their customers I would upgrade to play it.
Am I the only one that loves this news? Please meta sheep go play New World.
Not sure why you’d want to play that game with the absolutely ridiculous P2W options they’re putting into it…but I guess that excites some people.
Same here.
It’s ya boi, New World is hooooottt. Also, it’s my Birthday
New world will be fotm for a while, then poof, vanish. It’s total meh smol muscle meh meh meh.
3 months of Wow or try a new game. I’ll always try new. Also the same price as Diablo 2 remastered. It’s a bargain!
Great post, 10/10.
Just play what you want to play.
Who cares.
I would love to be able to buy crafting boosts.
Imagine caring what soy drinking e-celebs think about anything lmao
Nice Dear Diary post
I tried watching a few streams of the game, but just got extremely bored every time. Was mostly looking for PvP but every. single. steam. is just a bunch of dudes running train on a poorly tuned NPC.
Is the entire game just PvE rust or what?
New world looks like absolute garbage.
Go watch pvp.
You got 2 dudes shooting at each other for 45 minutes missing lmfao.