Asking for transfers off Crusader Strike PVP and on to Wild Growth PVE

This is now my 2nd SOD Night Elf Druid. Originally, I began on CS and have an entire roster of alliance classes there that I almost never play. When this option to move from CS to WG originally happened earlier this year, I only moved one priest over to test it out, as that phase 3 i still managed to find ways to exist on a PVP server.

Inevitably, I changed my entire play pattern and began a new roster of Horde toons on Wild Growth as I really enjoyed not having the threat of PVP when there was so much grinding to do in Incursions. I stopped leveling my alliance toons on CS to enjoy my alt-oholic life peacefully in pve, as I became more toxic in PVP grinding my alts in incursions and constantly being griefed or watching other people griefing.

Eventually, P4, I began re-leveling a few CS characters again as I did not want to relevel every class. I got my main druid to 60, ran a few weeks of raids on the druid between all my other Wild Growth horde characters that were raiding too.

I missed my original set of characters and regretted not transferring all of them to WG when originally offered: the alliance priest I had originally moved in that window was now my new 2nd main, my only WG ally toon behind my Orc Warrior that has been RPing blademaster with Endless Rage’s Horde Flag still equipped in full T1~
Anyways. This is now my 2nd NE Druid that hit 60 yesterday. I did not want to remake my main again, but because the transfer window never reopened like I originally hoped it would, I did end up remaking my druid on PVE from lvl 1.

Please re-open these transfers, I’d love to finish leveling my mage and hunter and others while not having to re-make them from lvl 1 to enjoy the pve calmness.

I don’t know how much people talk about this but PLEASE let us do this. i do not see the downside since it is all one big server and faction balance on Wild Growth doesn’t mean anything.

I have two characters on Crusader Strike that i completely quit playing after multiple days played. I love SOD and think about it all the time but I cannot bring myself to play on a toxic PVP server. Not even to do the things I enjoy doing. PLEASE let us transfer from PVP to PVE. Please.

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Holding out hope for transfers from my dead PvP server to Wild Growth to join friends as well. No interest in the free transfer to Crusader Strike (I think?)