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Will you be fixing balance in older content? Currently a CN Heroically geared character takes 10 min to kill a boss in Mythic Nighthold. Seems a bit off.


Arranged marriage it seems.

Enhancement were capable to varying degrees up through MoP. Tanking lower level dungeons was possible but did get tougher as you went higher. Being an emergency secondary tank in a raid was doable and controlling lots of adds/spawns could be easily done with the occasional outside heal. The earth elemental was not even needed but having all of our totems available to us was.

As a Warlock I was wondering, when we will be able to summon our own pitlord. We managed to control a pitlord during the quest for the Fel Fire in order to kill Kanrethad Ebonlocke

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Why kultirans can’t be warlock or paladin? they already use shadow curses holy and light powers as priests they can be warrior also besides they have drustvar that is mainly a witch-lore area hope you guys fix it wanting to race change to kultiran my pally and lock soon ;3

So my question here is for the lore team, whats the point of the light now that we know that the light related characters like paladins, etc go to the different afterlives? Can characters go to the light? How can you explain the Maraad’s quote when he died in WoD: “In the light we are one” taking in consideration that souls go to the different afterlives?


When are casuals going to get a que for mythic dungeons and normal raids? We want to do them but the elites wont let us in their groups !

What does the soulshaped fox say?

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Are there any plans to fix the hunter pet AI (at current the pet AI does not use it’s abilities properly or on cooldown, and we have to macro them into our shots) and are there any plans to boost the damage of the second BM pet ? (current pet uses a portion of the main pets damage) there is a huge opportunity here to add flavor to the BM spec. allow the second pet to use its family abilities and do it’s own damage. a 2 pet setup should be baseline for BM hunters, and they should do damage properly.


A lore/world question

Upon my first look of the Maw I noticed the environment. Most of the environment has rock faces or small structures that look as though it was blown away, maybe by some massive explosion. Did the Maw originally serve another purpose and look vastly different?

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Dual Spec for Classic TBC please!

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Why have the developers gutted DH to the point that it is unplayable at high rating in Arena? Pull the ripcord… Reverse the changes.

Classic Wow originally only had 4 phases, but the community pushed for more and it was changed to 6. The general impression folks are getting is that TBC will be released with very few phases. Although technically T5 (SSC/TK) was available at release, this content was very broken and few attempted it, let alone completed it, very early. Having T5 as a separate phase would more closely resemble the experience most players had in TBC, similarly it would offer better pacing and let the T4 content be more meaningful.

Would you consider creating a separate phase for T5?

Will Sinrunner Blanchy be able to fly eventually like some other horse/courser mounts? :slight_smile:

Literally what he said lol

QUESTION: Why are you forcing players to decide to play on either TBC or Vanilla with their current characters?


When we can fly in shadowland, it is a hassle to run around. Or what we have to do to can fly.

Would be cool if Torghast had a mythic+ wing in my opinion.

Want more confirmation and clarification on this:

  • Choose Your Era – Prior to Burning Crusade Classic’s release, WoW Classic players can decide whether to advance each of their characters to the Burning Crusade era with the rest of their realm, or to continue playing the original WoW Classic content on new Classic Era servers.

So, like…it says it’s “prior” to BC Server release…but like…what about AFTER it’s released? Choosing to progress into BC Servers now erases said Character’s Classic Progress? :woman_shrugging:

Why are we being forced to choose between playing our characters on classic or TBC? why can we not be allowed to play the same character in both eras?