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If they add it into Castle Nathria when Raid 2, 3, etc is out, this would be a step in the right direction.

Are there any plans to increase the amount of anima we get from doing activities? Killing raid bosses should give more, and the amount dropped from world quests should scale up as we gain renown like it does for ilvl and spirits. Right now the only scaling I see is with the mission table.


What is blizzards current plans to address and combat the rampant botting fiasco that has not only plagued World of Warcraft Classic, but Shadowlands as well? The current plan is not working and the bots are as plentiful as ever.


lmao you think they will really be reading this? they have no intentions of doing any of it. This is a suck you in job by Blizzard sorry. What they have planned is set in concrete and nothing you say will change it. Till they lose more subs and they will.

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Is there any plans to do something about the selling of “Runs” and “Player Boosting”. Many of the “player boosting” and run selling in the LFG/Trade send traffic to websites or twitch. Its completely out of control.

I love Epic BG’s. Used to do 16 hour days in AV during “honor weekend”. Will you ever give people, some pro-rated Conquest Points in Epic BG’s, to the side that loses?

You’re making it a zero sum game for players who enter EPIC BG’s and only need Conquest Points. But our TIME, is NOT, zero sum. There’s a reason people /afk out of losing Epic BG’s. ROI.

We don’t need what “Honor” buys. That’s not a “reward” that’s meaningful. At least, not a few weeks after the Xpac goes live. And that’s why Epic BG’s are zero sum, in terms of player-time-spent. We need CP. Not Honor.

You’ve done a great job with AFK’er reporting tools. Letting us debuff people who don’t participate.

(* The one thing you should add, is making it a geometrically-progressive debuff timer. For people who keep getting reported. If the first debuff is 15 minutes, then make, each subsequent time, 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x, etc. each time they are debuffed. Make it account-wide. Until the monthly reset. I promise they’ll stop AFKing. *)

But your Epic BG problem, seems like something you haven’t addressed, as well as you did your AFK’er problem.

I wouldn’t want to >blacklist< Ashran or, WG offense, if I got something useful (Conquest Points) for the TIME I spent playing there, even when I can see the loss coming. But right now, I /afk out of WG offense, and Ashran, without wasting time on the first battle. And I’m sure your stats show, I’m not the only one. It’s endemic.

I know Conquest Points and people AFKing/half-playing are intertwined. But I bet there’s a way to solve people leaving Epic BG’s, without rewarding AFK’ers overly.

How are you going to fix it? :slight_smile:


NO they won’t cause its making them money with people buying tokens.

Why is the best gear from Mythic Plus dungeons 7 item levels lower than the best gear from the raid? Are you seriously telling me that someone who times a 25 doesn’t deserve as good as a reward as someone who kills Mythic generals? ROFL but I’m actually not because it’s not funny it’s just annoying.

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Are AFK phases for raid bosses a new design philosophy? i.e. phases where you have to stop dps and stand around doing nothing?

Embracing fel and chaos, it would seem Demon Hunters would have a much different experience in the Shadowlands than other classes/characters. Any plans to expand on that? I believe there was a missed opportunity in BFA to incorporate that into the story, especially in relation to the Drust “problem.” With the Burning Legion defeated the Demon Hunters should be having somewhat of an identity crisis.

Any chance we could get to pick our pets spec? Shadowlands added so many gorgeous pets, but for solo/questing/torghast it’s clefthoofs, for raiding spirit beast and for solo legacy stuff cunning for the movement speed. Would be nice to use these new beasts rather than just collecting them and stuffing them in the stables :wink:


Will we follow the same pitfall Of #nochanges in Classic TBc that we did with Classic? Or will we learn from our mistakes as make changes that will prevent mass exploitation of game mechanics for personal gain?

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When our characters finally die at the end of their adventures, will they go to the covenant they joined in Shadowlands, or will they be properly sorted by the Arbitor?

What plans are there for players who like a more casual/solo type play?


Is there any plan on letting us use 2 legendaries?

There are several classes that have tank, heal and dps spec. Are there any plans to finally give Shaman a tank spec? They already have a shield, better armor than monks or druids and are I think a great candidate to define a unique tanking style that uses as many spells as physical attacks.

Can the same approach used to balance covenants be used to balance classes? Instead of nerfing other covenants to be at the same level, Necrolord covenants were buffed or changed to be more appealing. I’d like to see that same approach in class balance for underperforming classes.

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Pet battles, Darkmoon Faire quests, holiday quests and other forms of alternative leveling has been nerfed since Shadowlands launched. Is this unintentional or do you want people to only level in Shadowlands?


Greetings! I know that we have had garrisons back in Warlords of Draenor and it was almost like housing lite. Will we ever receive true player housing that integrates with crafting, trophy collections, achievements, bragging rights to show off to friends in house?


I’m posting again. Please Blizzard, make something to show that you care.

Theres two huge bugs on Necrolords Command Table.

  1. Bonesmith Heimir is NOT reflecting damage;
  2. Maldraxxus Plaguesinger skill “Plague Song” is NOT giving damage each turn.

You guys did some changes on other two Command Tables already. Show that you care for the game and fix this bugs. It’s a little embaressed that we still have bugs like this. The skill says “HE WILL REFLECT DAMAGE”, and he didnt.

I’m not asking a balance, with seens needed.