How is Anima going to be different from Artifact Power, or Azerite if it is used for empowerment? Isn’t this going to be a grind as well?
I’ve been wondering this myself of late. I recall a comment about there being something in the works for those who kept the gift and honestly thought that would have been tied off by now.
If titanforging remains gone, how do you plan on making mythic+ feel relevant to players that like to push high keys?
Stopping at heroic item level feels pretty bad, without forging it loses a ton of draw and the idea that I need to be a CE raider feels worse.
How will the level squish effect running old raids and dungeons for mounts and transmog?
If they’re all scaled to the new 50 it seems like some will be significantly harder to solo that are currently simple to get through.
How will you make it so people are not forced to pick a certain covenant based on what abilities they give that provide the most dps.
It seems that raidbots sims or icy veins will math out which provides the most dps for your class and tell you that you should pick a certain one, and it may not be the one that is the aesthetic that you want.
How does the Shadowlands interact with previously stated Azerothian and Draenorian places of rest for souls?
Oshu’gun comes to mind. Was it the legitimate final resting place for the Draenorian Orcish clans’ dead pre-Legion meddling? Is it simply a place that the veil between worlds is weak? Was it the Naaru that once resided there that bound those souls to itself and fed on their Anima in order to not die as quickly?
What about incorporeal spirits that we’ve seen time and time again in Azeroth? Specifically those whom did not pass on such as warped highborne spirits in ruins across Azeroth? If supposedly all spirits enter the Shadowlands, wouldn’t these souls have as well? Do souls have agency in whether they pass on or remain rooted in the living world?
Are we going to be re grinding for new gear after spending so much time getting the gear we have ?
Casted spells like fireball do little damage when compared to instant casts like fire blast. Will this be changed at all?
Can we have more Draenei customization, different horn, hair styles and different looking tails too.
Tails for sure:
hi incredibly important i would like to know if the injustice of survival hunters not being able to use all of their spells while dual wielding will be fixed thank you
Can covenant races become playable? I would love to play a vampire on horde side.
Are PvP vendors coming back?
Is PvE gear currency in (valor) going be back in some capacity to ensure steady progress if RNG is bad?
When can I get my snakes back?
Are there any plans for cross faction raid grouping/guilds?
Since LVL cap will be reduced to 60, what will happen to Heirlooms that have been upgraded to LVL 120? Will we see some of the gold refunded to those that purchased the upgrades?
Will Blood Elves ever get updates like a return to blue eyes and a modern Silvermoon?
The new levelling experience has me very intrigued! Will the new level 1-10 player introduction allow all current classes? Specifically, will classes added later in WoW’s lifecycle (Death Knight, Monk and Demon Hunter) be included in this experience?
There have been a lot of amazing soundtracks over the years of World of Warcraft expansions, and I’d love to buy it all. Unfortunately, all that glorious music is only available through the iTunes store on the Blizzard site, or on Spotify (but I’d need a subscription to listen without commercials in the middle of songs). I don’t have an Apple product to use with iTunes, and I don’t like Spotify. Would it be possible for you to make the WoW soundtracks available for sale as MP3s, or even CDs? Thank you!
Could you please open all classes to all races?