Will we finally be able to skip the cinematic on the bridge in throne of thunder where we fall to the tortos area?
Since Blizzard apologized for banning Blitzchung, does this mean he will be unbanned?
Given the level squish changes allowing you to level 1-50 in an expansion, how do you address the ability to solo older content for appearances, mounts, and pets?
Since we’re allowed to have all 50 characters on a single server, are there plans to loosen Death Knight and Demon Hunter restrictions to 1 per faction per server instead of 1 per server?
Will covenant cosmetic appearances be locked to members of said covenant, or would it be possible to use earned cosmetics from one covenant on an alt of another covenant?
Cross faction please? Let us breach the rift. Also gives us a ton more players to interact with, other than simply ganking them. Along with new races to use for our “faction”.
This xpac was unofficially the next class xpac; please please Necro.
Why go with squish to 50/60? Seems a bit harsh. Why not 70/80?
Allied races are getting new customizations or just the old races? Blue eyes for blood elves and normal skin color for void elves will be available?
During leveling, will there be any level restrictions on transmog since all expansions will be available for leveling beginning at level 10?
What will happen to unused character boosts after the level squish?
Are there any plans to address the current sharding system now that the Classic WoW team has developed layering? If not, are there any future plans to address the server population imbalances with some feeling empty especially in major cities ?
Can we please have the transmog wardrobe show more armor sets, most importantly the profession and dungeon sets?
Sorry if its duplicated post.
We have lvl squishy. Ok. No objections here. What its gonna happen with hierolooms ?
Old world. We get some original zones revamped ? Someones deserved a bit of attention after all.
How will the level squish be effecting heirlooms when they eventually will be upgraded for shadowlands possibly?
Will you be adding class skins?
If classes are done being added, then more customization is the logical next step. Just like the character model customization we are getting now that ARs are done.
Where is the new class? If there isn’t a new class, where are you going with the classes that would replace this?
Silly time-gated grinds are a leading reason why people are leaving. How are you fixing/removing these, to include Allied Races.
Will we see more Allied Races in the Shadowlands expansion? Also what’s the future of the Allied Race system?
Will there be a PvP gear vendor, so that players are not pressured to do PvE content to be successful in PvP?
We’ve seen that all races and allied races will be Death Knights come Shadowlands. When will we finally see Pandaren druids?
Druid is still the least represented vanilla class by race and Horde only has two distinct choices for druid: Tauren (recolored Tauren) and Troll (recolored Troll). Give Pandaren access to druids gives both factions access simultaneously thus cutting development in half. Furthermore, Pandaren druids forms could be represented by the August Celestials which already play a major role in Pandaren society. Pandarens strive for balance in all things and there could be no greater challenge in maintaining balance than balance between the four aspects of druidic discipline.
I’ll add to this only to say the rng probably needs a rework like the m+ weekly chest. I assume Ion and the team intends to address the pvp weekly in the same manner.
Will you enable us to group and raid cross faction in some way?
can we please have more character slots? with all these new customization options, it’d be nice to have room for new characters.
Listening to the zone overviews, it sounded like each zone is in need of anima. Will this be the source of conflict? Will there be pvp centred quests/objectives to gain more anima for a zone/covenant?