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Trial of Style

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Was a game wide level reduction really necessary in order to offer players an improved leveling experience through older content?


Is there any chance of more realms being connected in 9.0? Recruiting for mythic is near impossible on a low population realm

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Firstly I would like to say that I am not against a level squish.
So my questIon is as follows:
Does blizzard have any current/future plans/solutions to address the issues of why level squish is needed now or will be again in the future? Or will you just squish levels again after several expansions?

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Was the class redesign a major focus that took the place of the usual alternate new class per expansion pattern we’ve seen?

I wish they look at ESO, that leveling system is best by far.

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With all new non-DK, non-DH Core Race characters supposedly starting in a new starting zone come 9.0, will it still be possible to do the starter questlines in Kezan, Gilneas, and Wandering Isle if you’re a Goblin, Worgen, or Pandaren respecitvely?

Can we expect further customization such as body types, class skins, housing, guild garrisons (on Azeroth please)? Added specs, etc?

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When the World Soul Azeroth wakes up, what happens to all of us lower life forms hitching a ride on her?

With the addition of a new starting zone for all new players, will we lose the old starting zones such as Gilneas and Eversong? Will a system be put in place for us to return to those zones to play through that content?


Yes please. Like, x9000

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Excellent question! Many of us would love to see the visual choices associated with tier set return! Plus, with tier sets, bonuses/abilities changed specs when a character changed specs–which was huge for allowing us to play alt characters/alt specs (something Ion mentioned as a focus for this expac.)

With the pre-Shadowlands level cap being 50 across all expansions, are past raids going to remain soloable for players at level 60?

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Your decision to disregard consequence for our chosen allegiances to N’zoth and Sylvanas is disappointing. The latter even more so. With the Alliance and Horde together (again) and with no meaningful outcome to being a Horde Loyalist, where is the player vs. player tension? Some of us are tired of playing heros.

Since there is going to be a level squish is previous raid content going to be viable/current? Is the Thunderfury sitting in my warrior’s bank going to be relevant? Is there a plan to rework previous content to make it part of progression?

Are professions going to continue with the rank system? It’s not fun and it actually makes leveling harder to work on while leveling since most rankups aren’t available until max level; usually thru rep. The whole “less mats” thing isn’t even a benefit since by the time you get to make the rank 3 items, they’re useless.

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With the addition of more character customization options, does that affect future allied race prospects? Thank you for delivering me my wildhammer shaman but I need an axe throwing, Cuban accent forest troll!

With the character level squish being formally announced, is this something that developers view as a one-time, permanent solution to leveling issues? Or can we expect this to happen regularly, like the item level squish?

With the addition of more cosmetic and character expression options being added, are there any plans to add new weapon types, such as thrown weapons? Even transmog cosmetics could work. I would love to transmog throwing axes over a bow.

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I have a few questions hopefully 1 or 2 of them get used.

Most games out now and even Diablo have a Dye System for changing the colors of the characters gear. On the topic of customization would something like this ever be implemented for WoW? Like Inscriptions can make the dye and sell them on the AH. Have like 10 Set colors.

Will we ever see Tier Sets make a comeback? Since the player base does not like the constant grinding for a lucky titanforge. I believe that Tier sets would be a step in the right direction. Knowing that Tier is normally the BiS gear. Which would also make characters unique again if the tiers are unique per class again.

Is there any intent to bring master looter back? I only ask this because we’ve has some raiders show up for like 2 weeks and get super lucky titanforges then stop showing up. While that gear could’ve gone to a core raider that really needed that gear.

Is a Tinkerer a Class something that is being planned? With Mechagnomes and Mechagon now in game this would’ve been an awesome time to announce it.

Are there going to be any new allied races for Shadowlands races or Even Naga or Sethrakk?

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