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Is the whole BFA story over?

The alliance had no opportunity to choose anything, it is frustrating.

we picked a boat name…

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Do we need another one with a lot of the current ones being in a bad state?

Plus since we are going to the death realm they are opening DKs to Pandas and allied races.

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is there a world of warcraft acheivement after buying the shadowlands heroic or epic acheivement?

Or both so that when they say we have them there isn’t an instant retort that they’re not the ‘sort of’ high elves people want.

With the technology being in place for different coloured eyes since it’s 2019, can you use the same tech to make servers cross region or the ability to transfer regions. For players like myself now based on EU but prior was always NA, to lose everything on the account is unfair. Time difference boss the undefeated

Will the Covenant races like the Venthyr be playable in the future for both factions?

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How is it possible that the void elves and the lightforged draenei are Dk’s if they have a strong bond with their respective powers?

We generally tend to get new classes every 2 expansions. So it’s really jarring as to why this one is breaking that pattern.

Also with this expansion being death-themed, it would be a perfect time to have Necromancers.

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Will you let me kill Sylvanas?

Why “Blade of justice” spell for Ret paladins wich:
-looks like a huge blade of fire.
-it’s color is red like fire.
-Even had an azerite traid that turns crits into fire damage.

Does physical damage?

Would covenant abilities have significant performance (DPS) implications? Or implications in rated PVP combat?

Would we be able to swap our covenant allegiance?

If I choose Covenant A, but my best raid DPS ability is tied to covenant B, am i screwed for the entire expansion on that character, doomed to be rendered sub par to those who choose the “Correct” covenant? Would i be forced to choose to give up the Covenant that i want, for lore/aesthetic reasons, simply to get BIS abilities/equipment for PVE or PVP?

What if my class’s BIS PVP and PVE abilities/equipment are tied to different covenant? Would i be forced to level an alt and partake in PVP and PVE on separate characters?


Was that it? No new class? No new race? Is this an early April Fools joke? Also, in order to use an allied race for DK… I have to go back into “Boredom For Azeroth” and unlock them? Ah well, Diablo 4 looks legit.

Will PvP vendors be making a return in Shadowlands?


Any changes to PVP?
Will we get our PVP gear vendors back? PVP specific gear?

Class changes? Any more customization? Anything you guys are doing to make classes feel more unique?

Improve balance in pvp plans?

Any new classes? Especially any new caster / range class?


Can we please get more char cust. across the races
CAN WE PLEASE expand garrisons?

Is there Still Horde vs Alliance. In regards to groups, raids and PVE content.

  1. With AH being updated, when are we getting more connected realms? Last comment on these was…2 years ago.
  2. With AH being updated, when are we getting group finder updates (queue timer is a mess and when a queue does pop, the leave queue button is in a bad place if you’re actually playing and not sitting in town)?
  3. Why are the Vulpera called an allied race? They’re a whole new race joining the horde, while the alliance only gets an actual allied race.
  4. For professions, can we get gear to be both boa and boe so I can at least send my high end gear to alts?
  5. Can we get tab targeting fixed finally? It works better in Classic and that should tell you something.
  6. Why does archaeology keep getting shafted after the start of an expansion? Argus, mechagon, Nazjatar would have all been great places for new stuff.

Will tier sets be returning to raids? Has any consideration been given to the return of master loot, or some other way to allow guilds to control who receives loot from bosses?


Horde now has a campfire for a Warchief