I used Gear Helper and Mr. Robot. Gear Helper says MH/OH are better with lower ilvl but my mage just got a staff drop that’s better for Mr. Robots stats and ilvl.
Which one should I trust while upgrading my fresh 70 frost mage?
I used Gear Helper and Mr. Robot. Gear Helper says MH/OH are better with lower ilvl but my mage just got a staff drop that’s better for Mr. Robots stats and ilvl.
Which one should I trust while upgrading my fresh 70 frost mage?
I’ve heard of neither of those things. After looking up Gear Helper though, it seems it works with stat weights. Which my 2 brain cells have heard are an outmoded way to look at stats. Looks like AMR is a sim thing, which is what I do; though I use Raidbots.
I believe most people use this now?
Don’t use the stat weight option though I think that’s still unreliable from what I heard a few years ago.
You’ll end up simming two rings, equipping one, simming again and putting the old ring back on. Top gear solves that for you I believe
Raidbots is absolutely the way to go for DPS.
QELive for healers.
Yeah it will only give you the best dps option. I don’t know if there’s a traditional ‘tank’ version but I usually just gear for dps and ilvl then throw on survival trinkets if I feel squish.
Edit: also I’m pretty lazy with my caster alts. I’d rather have a 2h than bother with a 1h/oh unless it can’t be helped.
Yeah, for tanks its gonna be a bit different.
Speaking of different. Did you do something different with your hair
Raidsbots does include things like DTPS (damage taken per second) in its sims, you just need to click on the full report to find it.
You also can’t compare DTPS from 2 gearsets because it only displays it for one of them; it USED to do both sets but they changed it a while back for who knows what reason.
AskMrRobot also just uses incorrect data and completely nonsensical APLs. AMR should be avoided at all costs.
My wife gave me a makeover while I was doing keys on her dh and I gotta say, apart from the pink pyjamas she left me with, it’s kinda nice.
Sorry, but the topic reminded me of an old search engine. Anyone remember ask jeeves?
/wanders out mummbling
Hey if you have time I would really appreciate it if you could post a pic of the options you would sim for (as brew)
I don’t even think I’ve been simming my dps characters right for a while lmao.
I primarily run dungeons though if that changes things. Ps. This helm enchant does some bonkers chip dmg healing in medium keys. I should have got it sooner.
“He looks like a deranged Easter Bunny!”
Sounds familiar. Let me look it up on Alta Vista.
I remember my dad or brother excitedly showing me like duckduckgo? Or dog pile?
Whatever it was, it sure beat opening the encyclopaedias that every family I knew had.
Well good to know this information because I am old school and used noxxic / icy veins to sim and optimize which is what the Robot addon was supposed to do.
I use AMR when I just want to get some load outs setup on alts, and Raidbots when going sweaty.
That said, probably 90% of the time they both tell me the exact same thing, or one says to use a different enchant on one ring or something. People making grandiose claims about the differences in either should probably be treated like your conspiracy theorist uncle on Facebook.
Going sweaty? Sounds hawt.
You never ever trust mr robot