Ashran GREATLY favors the horde. Prove me wrong

  1. Flowers
  2. Emberfall vs Rylai. What a joke. Not even a contest. Free 50 points for horde.

Oh look, another “Ashran” complain thread.

These really are becoming a dime a dozen lately on this forum :man_facepalming:

So you agree with me.

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Not really.


Both sides can grab these (they’re literally just laying on the ground). Maybe they could be nerfed to like 10%, but otherwise they’re fine. I’ve won games where we did not have the flower buff, it’s not impossible.


His dangerous abilities can simply be line-of-sighted, assuming competent Alliance pugs that pay attention. I’ve killed him with as few as 4-5 other players, because pugs followed my instructions and we did not get knocked off by his “Living Bomb” ability.

The main issues that Alliance pugs have in Ashran, from what I see:

  1. dumb/random “splitting up” and not sticking together (probably the BIGGEST issue)
  2. not avoiding 100% telegraphed/scripted AOE abilities such as Korlok “Crushing Leap” or Jeron “Living Bomb”
  3. constant retreating/running away during the teamfights
  4. not killing healers during the teamfights (another big one)
  5. low DPS/healing numbers due to slackers and afker types

Notice that issues 1, 3, 4, and 5 really don’t have much to do with the map itself, but are instead more of a player problem.


You have to be in absolute denial to claim Ashran doesn’t favor the Horde.


Pretty minor stuff really, it’s mostly bad players complaining about it.

Nice one-liner response, by the way.


Not likely to happen. Even most horde say it’s tilted. Old news.

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Did it in wod. Hint: It’s not the flower buffs. Though Ashran is diff these days so yea, it might favor horde a bit.

I heard the song flowers can be mass dispelled. Even so, I do kinda agree—those flowers should be in neutral territory, not so close to the Horde base.

And yeah, the Horde mage is many times more difficult than Rylai, who is a joke.

Unfortunately I don’t know enough about potential Trashran strats to say one way or the other. I do think it’s weird that flowers are not centrally located. However, I have seen geared and/or organized alliance teams win Ashran, seemingly without using flowers, so it can be done.

I am sad to have been beaten to this thread.

They are a physical buff and cannot.

Is there anyway to see statistics on w/l for alliance and horde in this bg?

I hasn’t won a single ashran this year.


No. The only site that had BG W/L stats has been dead for two years.

Also Alliance seems to have more of those Loser who does nothing but yell ‘let them win’ ?


Alliance version of the flower is star root tuber in panthoras cave its not as strong but its not as imbalanced as people seeem to think.
also isnt there only like ten flowers even up?

The Star Root Tuber has a 3-minute cooldown and is 3k heal and a damage reduction of 40% for 10 seconds.

That does not = 15% stacking stat buff that lasts for an hour and persists through death. To provide some context, Blessing of Kings used to give 5% stats. This is x3 that. And no, there aren’t just 10 nodes - but even if their were - that is still 40% of an entire team.


in my 38 hour Session in Ashran i did last Wendsday-thursday i saw 23 Volrath deaths vs our 17 Tremblade Kills i had 5,263 Hks and 217 Kbs and i think 103 deaths but unsure by the time i left it but it depends if your side gets a Leader who knows the layout

Brawl is not the same as retail version, pretty rare to actually get a boss kill in retail Ashran. Alliance has probably had the most boss kills using backdoor strat.