Ashran epic bg

Hey guys,

Just a quick question, since when is backdooring the meta now in this epic bg?

It never works, especially on alliance.

I hope people would play this game and stop backdooring.


It’s always been at least somewhat meta, particularly if one team is outmatched.

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okay, ty

I couldn’t be happier for backdoor to be the main play now. Ashran has been insufferable for so long, happy to just see it over in 5 minutes!

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Because the puggies saw a raid do it and now they think it’s meta. I can’t tell you how many pugs whine the entire game about our refusal to back door another premade. And anyone who tries to back door us, we have someone at the base at all times. Scrolls of town portal are your friend.

What killa means is that he likes dragging games and wasting a whole lot of his own time and especially the enemy teams usually with 2 healers vs his 9 just like he does in av.


No, I like playing objectives. I like using strategy. I believe in team work.

There’s nothing you can do about it. 80% of your teammates just want to zug zug. Opposition will only create chaos. You won’t be able to convince anyone. What you can do is ask a few teammates to stay back and defend base.

It’ll probably take a few months for people to realize that backdoor is not a good idea.

Considering there are still people who think the best strategy in IoC is to go docks, there will always be players who want to backdoor.

Mostly because they are there for the fastest game, they aren’t there to play the BG, they are there for the most Honor/hour.

When we get into a pug game where they want to backdoor, we skull one of us to lead pugs there. 1 of us stays on boss room, and 2-4 of us go mid to intercept their entire team mid push.

Us 2 to 4 in mid will root, cc, slow as many as we can for 45 seconds.
Save cooldowns and let them slow kill us.

We end up rezzing with 15-10 seconds left. Just in time to kill their first part of their push. Then when the mid players we slowed get to the keep, we kill them too.

If things go well, our team+pugs kill Vol. If not, just a longer game.

Win Win.
We get super tough fight (trying to defend Trem) and pugs get the quick win.

Worst case: You tell the pugs their backdoor strat is a bad idea and you have a good long game.

Solution is quite simple - just let them, but ask some dps to stay behind and defend with you. And if you could convince a healer or 2 to stay that would be even better.

This would often revert the game back to the traditional proceeding. Worked 100% for us :wink:

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ok, sure

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rated ashran with 4 rating up or down per game

Sadly you can’t even say it’s just the pugs that want to do this. Lot of people in premades zug zug too, the meter is their main interest. The games overall are in a laughable state.


Because it works almost every time when you just do it instead of crying about it. I have yet to see it fail on Alliance OR Horde. OFC we want the most efficient honor/hour, what kind of idiotic pisstake is that.

I don’t care in the slightest about honor, it accrues the more you play the game.

Most of the communities I’ve played with, don’t care about efficient honor/hour calculations, they care about playing the game.



I zoned in late to a match I was working my way across the map and both teams were hard backdoor. I was only behind by a minute and got halfway across the map and VICTORY!

It was so lame I can’t even tell ya what a joke most epic bgs are


Well since they deemed the unintended issue where they nerfed npc hp/damage not long into s1 AV/ashran became a rush meta the bosses have less hp then the world bosses do and when we have far more power in pvp, i dont understand why they nerfed it.

Well blizz listens to the whinniest voices. So some of the Que synch cheater communities must have complained bigly and blizz nerfed everything into teddy bear style epics.

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