Ashran Brawl - Dueling Tournament II - WINNER: SABBEY!

Monthly Dueling Tournament hosted by EDC.

You are invited to participate, or come spectate, the second Dueling Tournament!

Time: 2022-05-26T01:00:00Z.
Location: Ring of Conquest, Ashran
Entry Fee: 2k Gold.


Entry Fees or any donations, go towards increasing the Pot size.


First Prize: 149k Gold
Second Prize: 72,500 Gold
Third and Fourth: 36,250 Gold

(First gets 50% of total pool, 2nd 25%, 3rd and 4th 12.5%)

Thank you Frost Reaver Clan for 50k Donation!
Thank you Chop City for 50k Donation!
Thank you to Draco for a large donation!

You are welcome to participate with a toon from any realm, but reward will only be paid out to Emerald Dream characters, so have an alt on ED to collect and pay your entry fee…

To enter, post from the character you are planning to enter the tournament with here. One entry per person.

Entry fee can be mailed to:

  • Horde: Lluagor-Emerald Dream
  • Alliance: Lestraud-Emerald Dream

Or can be collected night of event.

If you would like to donate to increase the pot size, or for future dueling tournaments, write what the gold is for on the mail as you send it. Thank You!

Following Arena Ruleset:

  • no tanks or healers
  • no lusting (enh shaman can if taken talent.)
  • no lay on hands
  • no pots
  • no outside buffs, your class only.

This tournament will be a double elimination bracket.

Rules will explained again night of event, with any changes if any are made.
Rules may change or be added to before event.



Spulf - Monk
Bayar - Paladin*
Draco - Death Knight
Momma - Mage
Seiryu - Monk (hyjal)


Basedgodbm - Hunter
Dalinair - Druid
Sabbey - Druid (whisperwind)
Boskey - Hunter
Vamptdk - DK
Swole - Shaman
Nubz - Hunter (moon guard)

Not yet paid entry fee.*

Hosted by EDC.


Basedgodbm - Emerald Dream

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Dang if only I was still sub…

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We’re just about two weeks out from this!

Prize Pool now up to 82k Gold thanks to the Frost Reaver Clan!

Spulf - ED :cake:

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Frost Reaver Clan will continue to donate to the pot. From my understanding this is a monthly thing. So pushing forward we will help promote the Tournament. Be sure to tell your friends who are actively playing so maybe other guilds will want to donate to the pot each month and we can get this out there! :+1:


Next Week!

Be sure to shoot me a msg somewhere if you plan to participate.

Pot now up to 136k Gold! Thanks to donations from Frost Reaver Clan and Chop City!

Dueling Tourney is next week! See OP for details how to sign up.

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Namchinbayar - Emerald Dream

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Main Post Updated!

Thanks to a large donation, I was able to up the number prizes and totals!

First Prize: 149k Gold
Second Prize: 72,500 Gold
Third and Fourth: 36,250 Gold

Entry Fees still go towards final pot/prize totals.

Dracodk - Emerald Dream

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Swole - 10char

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Boskey-EmeraldDream gold sent to Lestraud-Emerald Dream just now

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Seiryu - Hyjal

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Aye, participants list should be updated.

About a day left to sign-up! Tournament is tmrw evening!

Vamptdk (The Guard) - Emerald Dream - Alliance (Death Knight)

Gold sent to Lestraud - Alliance.

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Gold will be mailed to Lluagor on the horde side of ED.

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Link to EDC Discord:

Congrats to our winners tonight!

1st Place: Sabbey

2nd: Swole

3rd: Bayar

4th: Spulf

And thank you to everyone else that participated, donated and came out to the event tonight!