Ashes of Creation alpha II wave 1 test

i got in and gonna try it out after work

i was able to make a character and it was pretty barebones for a character creator goes, but im gonna be in armor so it wont really matter. also im going fighter.

what class has you interested

Did you like the fighter? The combat play looks pretty good so far. I would probably play cleric or mage. The classes are a bit generic, hopefully the dual-class system helps with that when that is added later on.

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well its interesting you auto attack with q pressed down and the special moves feel satisfying to use and as i soon to get enough copper i can make a copper greatsword thats vastly better.

just got spin to win and it feels amazing to use

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Iā€™m playing a bard right now and it is damn fun!

Never been much for bards in other games but in Ashes, they do be fun!

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my fighter got reset which soured my experiance some.

redoing the starting area was way more buggy. the guy you talk to wasnt there the optimal kill the sickly things wasnt giving credit no matter how many i was killing, but they gave xp so thats nice.

the guy that tells you go attune to the respawn point just tells you to do it again so you cant turn it in.

other than that releveling seems to be smoother. the job board is a nice way to get xp. go out and chop some oak.

so yeah if you want some gear you have to go out and get mats and turn around and sell it for coin so you can get gear

pro tip buy the mining and or other resource bags as soon as you can, but its in a higher level zone so its nice the game hands you a mount for free and a nice feature you can summon it while moving. and press f to mount it.

Well, it do be a proper Alpha so the game is properly broken! We are there to test and break things after all, but just from the bits of the game that is functioning already, it looks like it is gonna be one hell of a fun sandbox MMO! ^^

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neat the playtest has been extended to monday 5pm pst

waiting for friday to play again
patch notes that are for the ptr