Hi, I’d like to post my feedback from the ashenvale pvp event.
A small group of friends and I tried out this event last night and while I enjoyed the aesthetic and attempt of the whole thing, I think it has several major flaws.
For one, it is impossible to participate in this event as a solo player, a small group, or a 5-10 man group of players. These groups sizes are the bread and butter of wow classic pvp and yet each base is swarming with elite mobs. Its a bit disappointing that this is the direction that was taken because it feels that unless you are in a large raid, this event is not for you.
I have always felt that raid vs raid pvp is perhaps the weakest and most unfun part about wows pvp scene. The servers lag out, the fights are dictated by ranged and aoe, and in general it is not my cup of tea. I also feel that the meta that will emerge will be the same as AV, with both sides ignoring each other and racing to the bosses. Quite lame.
It is too late to change ashenvale, but going forward in the next brackets, I would much rather have had an expansion on other BG elements that are suited for smaller groups, just on a grand scale. In my opinion, ashenvale would have been much, much better if there were like 30 EOTS style capture points all throughout the zone. Or massive game of capture the flag with 10 flags between astranaar and splintertree. Perhaps the turn in for alliance is east of splintertree and the hordes is west of astranaar.
In any case, I think all of these pvp objectives for world pvp should have the intention of breaking apart large raids of players. That should be a design goal for you guys (if you are reading this that is). This design goal will make for a much more memorable and enjoyable experience.