Ashenvale Battle

No way in hell should we be seeing people killing the boss with all 3 bases up.

Seems Alliance yet again have the advantage here. The boss for Alliance is killing entire raids in one huge AoE while the Horde boss has nothing along that line.

Regardless of the obvious favoritism(AGAIN!) we just have an event that is designed like crap.

This place needs a total revamp.


I want to start by saying i am enjoying SOD for the most part. But the Ashenvale “event” if you can call it that is a f-ing joke. The design is horrible and feels like no effort whatsoever was put into the design or testing of this.

More Proof that blizzard can’t make world pvp content.

the alliance boss spawns before the horde boss. I have yet to actually see the horde boss because the battle ends before it can spawn lol

Ummm. What?

That sounds like you encountered a bug.

tbh the whole ashenvale pvp is kinda underwhelming. its really not even PVP imo run around 90% of the time kill the occasionally few on the road and thats it

yea no clue, its happened 10 times that ive attempted to zerg the horde boss before they kills ours. didnt even spawn before the horde won the battle.

Alliance definitely gets chunked down by aoes too. But so far every battle I’ve been in, we took out the catapult base then rushed the horde boss. Sometimes the competition is pretty bad. Other times both sides take out the first base at the same time, but we’ve still won. Either way it feels like a pve event and that’s pretty disappointing. There are much better pvp brawls happening around while the event is inactive and people are roaming around alone or in small groups.

You already did it wrong.

You are the only faction capable of downing the boss with all 3 bases up. Just go for the HQ.

I don’t lead these groups. But that’s the strat the folks on Living Flame seem to like and I’ve won all… 5 I think? Of the battles I was in that did 1 base then boss.

again, the horde down it on Crusader Strike within 30 sec to 1:30. I timed it.

Regardless of which faction you play, this event SUCKS.

100% agreed. makes SOD feel kinda lame right now.

The event might suck but the fact people are hanging around in Ashenvale during the lead up to it leads to some nice brawls. It’s a shame the event doesn’t pit players against each other directly though.

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There’s 20 years of examples of world pvp being implemented in MMOs that can be used for research.

It seems like none of this was looked at when designing this current attempt. It’s not like Blizzard has any problem with taking an idea from another game and adding it to WoW (it’s how half the features exist at all) so it boggles the mind why they refuse to do so for world pvp.

Out of all Blizzard’s misses it is this failure to implement an actual world pvp zone that annoys me the most. It’s really, truly not that hard. There are some stellar examples of this being done in the past.

Just sit one intern down for a week and tell them to research world pvp in every MMO released in the last 20 years. They’ll have minimum 10 potential designs.

They clearly don’t understand world pvp, or how to make it (or even large scale instanced pvp), so why not lean on other sources that have proven popular. It just seems a little belligerent at this stage of this game’s life.

Wait but I thought Horde had the advantage because of where the Alliance boss is? Y’all need to make up your minds

ARE YOU SIMPLE? WHEN has horde EVER had an advantage in ANYTHING? There are PLENTY of PROVEN examples validating that Blizzard FAVORS ALLIANCE! Horde has gotten F-ed in every single scenario for such a long time!

Eesh, who pissed in your cheerios this morning?

Ashenvale event is just bad if we’re being honest. Needs to be redone in a way that doesn’t have it end in under a minute.

I was expecting outdoor AV when they first announced this. This is more like comp stomp.

Learn to read please.

On Crusader Strike everyone just zergs the last boss and they die in about 2 min, horde wins bc ally boss spawns first. We finally got a 3 raid team together and when the boss spawned we all got layered off…