<Ashen Oath> (H) - Mankrik - LFM Kara and P2 (Casual, Social, Levelers as well)

Our history:
We are a relaxed group of raiders who started as an EQ TLP raiding guild; players that banter during trash pulls, focus during bosses and get stuff done. That was many moons ago and we’ve stuck together through several games including WoW Classic 2 years ago. Phase 1 of TBC opened up with us pushing Kara with 2 teams both 11/11 and running Gruuls weekly. With P2 upon us we have opened up recruiting to push into 25 man content once again. If you find yourself looking for a reliable, competent, mature and friendly group of gamers to experience all that TBC has to offer … Ashen Oath may be what you are looking for.

Raid Times:
8PM to 12AM EST , 8PM to 12AM EST , Thursday/Sunday which are currently our 2 Kara raid days will transition to 25m raid days.

Our Expectations:
We expect dedication to the guild and attendance. We want those who can commit to our raid schedule and will come to raid prepared. We don’t care about your current gear, we will gear you if you’re a dedicated player.

Loot Distribution:
Currently we run MS>OS for Kara and soft reserve on our weekly PUG Gruul. We will be switching to DKP for SSC/TK and beyond.

Current Needs :
Considering all applications except those for tanking. We currently have about 3 openings on our Sunday night 8p-12 Kara team . Those not interested in Kara can be considered exclusively for our 25 man raids.

Have questions? Feel free to contact any of the guild’s officers for more information:
Aramour/Kaizo (GM), Arthour, Beramode,
Hocus (bnet: Diablos#1202, disc: Silenzor#2841)


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I like this guild hmmmmmm

Still looking for more friends who want to down bosses , have fun and get loot!