I didn’t say they were forms. I am talking about the actual physical artifact weapons, the daggers and the fists. You have brought in forms. Don’t confuse the issue.
This is exactly what I’m asking for, to be able to transmog to, and see the daggers on my humanoid/caster form, which is why I used the example of the Evoker.
You’re so close. Just slow down for a second and think about it. Instead of confusing yourself with your own assumptions about forms, realize that Ferals would want, and would be expecting, to be able to transmog their weapon in their humanoid/caster form to the daggers.
The issue is that Ferals cannot transmog to daggers that aren’t the Legion artifacts. If the daggers here were meant to be used by Ferals, then these items are not working as intended.
Who is “they”? Because other than the Legion artifact weapons, Ferals cannot transmog to daggers and Guardians cannot transmog to fists.
I refer you both to the post introducing the class sets, on July 31, that says:
Beginning with the month of September and each month through December, the Trading Post will be introducing new transmogs sets and new transmog weapon sets specific to each class. Each armor set comes with three pieces: helm, shoulder, and belt, and each weapon set comes with 3 weapons to match each discipline—with the exception of Druids having 4 and Demon Hunters with 2.
Do you really think it was Blizzard’s intention to introduce a fist weapon set, a dagger weapon set, and two staves, and make it so that Ferals and Guardians only have access to the staves, and have the fist weapon and the dagger be for Balance and Restoration? Those don’t exactly “match each discipline,” especially when you consider that the talisman weapons that represent Feral and Guardian — the artifact weapons — are daggers and fists, respectively.