Ashamane's Blade of Rebirth still unusable for transmog as a Feral

To Whom It May Concern:

It has been a full month and Feral Druids and Guardian Druids are still unable to use the daggers and fist weapons (respectively) specifically designed for them as part of the Trading Post set for October. This can’t possibly be intended, and if it is, I would like a refund of the Trader’s Tender that I paid for it.

Please fix this. It’s absurd that it has lasted so long already in-game.

How do you expect to see the daggers and fist weapons in cat/bear form exactly?

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Is this a serious question? Do you realize that Feral’s artifact weapon is a set of daggers and Guardian’s artifact weapon is a set of fist weapons?

How do you expect to see full Evoker transmogs when their dragon form only shows a few items?

It really shouldn’t take much thought to realize how obtuse your question is.

But they are weapons, not forms ATTACHED to weapons like the artifacts you used as examples.

Same way you should expect to see daggers on a feral druid. Out of form.

Most people tmog their druids and evokers regardless if its hidden.
So dare I ask, what were you expecting? They never advertised new forms that went along with the weapons so why exactly is this a bug?
It’s a weapon mog, not a form mog.

They can still use them so there’s not really a bug here. If you think the fist weapon and dagger transmogs should’ve came as a dual wield set, then you should make a suggestion via the in game feedback menu.

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I didn’t say they were forms. I am talking about the actual physical artifact weapons, the daggers and the fists. You have brought in forms. Don’t confuse the issue.

This is exactly what I’m asking for, to be able to transmog to, and see the daggers on my humanoid/caster form, which is why I used the example of the Evoker.

You’re so close. Just slow down for a second and think about it. Instead of confusing yourself with your own assumptions about forms, realize that Ferals would want, and would be expecting, to be able to transmog their weapon in their humanoid/caster form to the daggers.

The issue is that Ferals cannot transmog to daggers that aren’t the Legion artifacts. If the daggers here were meant to be used by Ferals, then these items are not working as intended.

Who is “they”? Because other than the Legion artifact weapons, Ferals cannot transmog to daggers and Guardians cannot transmog to fists.

I refer you both to the post introducing the class sets, on July 31, that says:

Beginning with the month of September and each month through December, the Trading Post will be introducing new transmogs sets and new transmog weapon sets specific to each class. Each armor set comes with three pieces: helm, shoulder, and belt, and each weapon set comes with 3 weapons to match each discipline—with the exception of Druids having 4 and Demon Hunters with 2.

Do you really think it was Blizzard’s intention to introduce a fist weapon set, a dagger weapon set, and two staves, and make it so that Ferals and Guardians only have access to the staves, and have the fist weapon and the dagger be for Balance and Restoration? Those don’t exactly “match each discipline,” especially when you consider that the talisman weapons that represent Feral and Guardian — the artifact weapons — are daggers and fists, respectively.

So my assumption was wrong, but I was still correct about the direction.

Daggers tmog to daggers. Artifacts do not follow this rule. If you did have dw weapons, such as daggers, you could tmog them like normal.

What’s stopping you from using agil fist weapons if you want to tmog them?

Tbh you are crossing cosmetical lore with function. It’s working as implemented. Daggers with daggers, Fists with fists. It’s not a bug that you can’t tmog a staff into a fist weapon. Just like how you can’t tmog a dagger into a staff.

So yes, it is working as blizzard intended. I didn’t say it was implemented well.

And the article says nothing about what you want. So if this is a change you want, I’d suggest you follow what they said and move this to suggestions. This isn’t a bug.

Not being able to dual wield fist weapons is a pretty big road block for equipping and transmogging to the “Ashamane’s CLAWS of Rebirth” (emphasis on the plural: Claws). While Ashamane’s Blade of Rebirth is not named in the plural, I would argue that too is a bug.

You are making a distinction without a difference. Something that is implemented incorrectly is a bug.

And to say that this is “working as intended” is ridiculous. What is your basis that it’s Blizzard’s intention that these class set daggers and fists which were – by Blizzard’s own words – meant to “match each discipline” should not be useable by Ferals and Guardians, even though Ferals’ and Guardians’ most iconic weapons were daggers and fists?

Please point me to where Blizzard said this is working as they intended. Because contrary to what you’ve said, the article does speak to what I want: I want weapons that match each discipline.

That’s is not how bugs work. It’s not broken, it just doesn’t work how YOU want it to. Which does not qualify as a bug.
It’s a feature problem, which belongs in suggestions.

Point to me to where blizzard said its NOT working as intended. Because druids got druid tmog items with spec flavor, just like the other items for other classes. Again, just because you can’t tmog it how you want doesn’t mean it’s broken or a bug.

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Well, if they can’t be mogged by feral, they aren’t meant to be used by em. Going into buying them, it is known that feral druids can’t use daggers. Do I think it’s dumb? Yeah. They should be able to use daggers and dual wield. But, that is something that druids have wanted even back when I played em in burning crusade, but alas. Daggers and not meant for feral Druid.

Claws in this context is not referring to having two separate fist weapons, but the three claws at the end of the weapon. Also, the picture showcase shows only a single dagger and single fist weapon. It’s clear the intention is for it not to be a dual wield set akin to the claws of ursoc or fangs of ashamane

While guardian/feral may be the discipline that the weapons are based on, and it sucks that they can’t realistically use them as those specs, it’s never stated anywhere that it is meant for those specs in particular but rather the druid class as a whole.

The picture for the Windwalker fan only shows one fan, the Rogue daggers and swords only show one of each, the Demon Hunter glaives only show one. If this is your evidence of Blizzard’s “clear intention,” it’s pretty faulty.

All of those classes have dual wielding and can apply that transmog to an appropriate offhand weapon, somethings druids do not have. Artifact weapons are unique in that they operate indistinctively of what you have equipped. Holy paladins can use the silver hand with a 1h/shield and it will mog to a 2h mace, guardians can transmog a 2h staff to dual claws, and SMF fury warriors can transmog their 1h weapons to 2h artifact weapons. This is entirely unique to artifact weapons.