Hello friends. I am seeking a sat/sun morning guild. I work a full schedule and have obligations outside of work during weeknights that prevent me from raiding nights.
That being said a little about me. I was a Holy paladin main spec raider from the end of tbc through cataclysm. I quit wow for pandaria and most of wod as well as legion. I came back during BFA right before classic wow launched. I played classic wow up to 60 on a warrior but found little in the game to keep me playing it. However, with the launch of tbc classic I find myself reliving my glory days of playing paladin once again.
Now, I know what you are thinking. this is just another boosted Andy. I was a hardcore raider for wotlk and cataclysm and was in several top 5 guilds on my server Zul’jin in progression against Algalon, Trial of the Grand Crusader and lich king heroic. I completed Herold of the Titans as well as 50 attempts Trial of the Grand Crusader as well as defeating heroic lich king all while the content was current. In Cata i raided in a hardcore guild which fell apart due to loot council problems but before that we had fought all the way up to Sinestra 25 but were not able to complete before the guild fell apart.
in current wow I am a 10/10 heroic Hunter ahead of the curve blah blah blah its retail no one cares.
If you are in search for a good solid player who cant commit to normal raid nights but is able to commit to early morning raids hmu in game Evilkin#11919 is my bnet I play a prot paladin named Xanatar. I can heal better than i can tank but gear hasn’t panned out the way I hoped it would during my adventure.