<Ascendants> 10 man casual Sunday raid

Is a casual raid community guild looking to fill 5 spots for our new 10 man Sunday raid! We are seeking one pally or Druid healer, one rogue, one hunter and one other dps. Raid time is Sunday 6pm to 9pm server and loot is MS/OS. If interested respond here, message or mail Phandrango in game. If gear is an issue, let us help you gear!! We look forward to having you in our great community of players!


I’d be interested in filling a DPS spot.
Full pre-bis ret pally. Looking to begin raiding.
Pally name is Tehlys. I’ll be on around 5 pm EST.


Edit: just noticed topic was posted 11 days ago lol. Guess you can let me know if there’s still room.