<Ascendance> [A] late night, CE guild LF 3 more for core roster

LF a few more DPS to round out the roster. :slight_smile:

Celebrate the widespread destruction of mythic bosses!

Searching for a Havoc DH (guaranteed raid spot)! :pray:

We’ve got a need for one or two more DPS!

Bump Bump. Want that DH love. :smiley:

Greetings to you from Ascendance
We’d love to have you in attendance
If you have raiding susceptance
Get in touch with our superintendents

“Join Ascendance, where the BOEs are the friends we make along the way.”
~ Raeyv, leader of our Shiver of Shamans

Mage, DH, DK. Or DPS of any kind. Looking for a couple :slight_smile:

Let’s all be on the same page, case we really need another Mage!
Or if not and you have a Warlock, then please feel free to join our flock!

Thank you, thank you. Need more bad poetry? I’ll be here all week.

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There are two types of people. Those who hate puppies, and those in Ascendance. Make the right choice today!

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I tried to come up with a clever limerick about a mage,
but mostly found words rhyming with the name of our RL, Cage.
So I’ll see myself off the stage…

I’m not so fancy but I can bump a thread :smiley:

A MAGE would be a boon!!!

I got excited but then I saw the logs requirement. I missed most of SL so I haven’t built up any good logs this expansion. I was hoping maybe I join as a casual at the very least. I’m trying to find an active guild to try and get KSM finished before season ends.

Hey, message me thru bnet (above) and we can chat. Can absolutely understand hopping back into the game and the challenges.

I added you to my friend’s list. I will make sure to message you next time you’re on. Thank you for being understanding <3

Cant escape from crossing fated raids!

Fated Raids; do-overs with a twist!

Bumpity bump! :slight_smile:

Lets Go Boomies!!!