As we approach the end of SL

Revendreath was a great zone. It was huge and the only thing needed to make it better was flying at max level for gold. No pathfinder
Bastion was just BLECH! :poop: :poop: Not even flying fixed it for me
Ardenweald was a decent zone. Had a lot of character. FLying at max level for gold woulda made it awesomer
Maldraxxas was a really good zone too. Whoever designed it deserves a raise.

The Maw was total :poop: To make a zone with no flying or even a ground mount to start out in it was just bad and if I never have to go to the maw again it will be too soon. Worst zone ever created… And Borghast? Words escape me to tell how bad and boring it was.

Korthia was a good zone but flying woulda made it awesomer. Stop the flying hate.

Zero Mortis was just MEH… I mean I did it during PTR and never went back. Just didnt hold my attention at all.

Im not gonna go into the ridiculous bad stuff about SL because its all been said but lets hope Dragonflight will be better.


If you went Night Fae there’s even a few hidden references like:

The root cellar with the mushroom ring unlocked makes it especially clear that this pair is a Witcher reference.

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ZM is a good zone for casuals… can get 252 gear in there, plus mounts, and pets… i never did pets but i got almost all the mounts from there

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I love Bastion, I miss being Kyrian.

But you can fly there. :smirk:

Once SL ends il chromie timing past it. It was slightly better than beta for Azeroth

Bastion would have been great with flying earlier. Given the vertacality it felt punishing to do gathering. Up hill down hill up hill. Other than that I felt it had a decent story and was pretty fun, shame that they relegated over half of it to max level.

Maldraxus had an excellent story, but the aesthetics could have been better imo. In some areas they nail it, other areas like the empty expanses it feels kind of bleh.

Ardenweald was just outright fun, and you could tell the devs had a lot of fun in designing the zone. Not as vertical as a lot of other zones.

Revendreth hands down stole the show. Loved this from the moment I first saw it. Navigating through the castle sections was more than tedious till flying came, but despite that, the zone was good enough to overcome those flaws.

The Maw I feel was just failed game design. I didn’t want to go to a zone where I felt punished for just doing what I had to do everyday. It got a little better with Korthia, but the damage was done.

Korthia…I just hate rare farms. Killing them once in a while is fun. A whole zone dedicated to rare farming just feels like a waste and then as part of the Maw it just felt bad overall.

Zerith Mortis was decent. It wasn’t great, but it was better than the Maw or Korthia.

If you jumped thru the hoops. AGAIN. How many times in an expansion do ya gotta earn flying.