As Vanilla veteran my take on Sharding.

Sharding ruins the feeling of World in World Of Warcraft.

I remember tons of people hanging out on top of Orgrimmar Bank, you would see all the main tanks on their mounts waiting for their raid to begin.

You would know players who would log on at just about the same time everyday. Players like the enchanter and blacksmith who would be up there to all the time, you would rely on them being there so they can help you out. Never will forget having my Lionheart Helmet forged, the crit chance on it really improved your DPS as a warrior.

I remember Bigspeedy and Krazyasian were some of my best friends and my High Warlord best friend Melrok. Great warriors.

Raiding towns and cities like Iron forge and storm wind was a real event for the ages. Killing their world leaders was amazing fun, I wish there was loot on them!

If sharding is in I will not be playing Classic.

I was 14 when I played WoW Vanilla, was main tank for raiding guild that got all the way to AQ40 and Naxx but did not clear them. 40 Mans are amazing - the communications I had with my friends and that feeling will not ever leave me.

I am turning 29 soon and this would be an amazing game to stream.
11/07/2018 08:16 AMPosted by Gurrag
Jesus, is your life so pathetic you have to complain about everything. It's only going to be used at the start because a lot of people are going to play at the start, and then the numbers will come down to earth and they will remove it. Try to do some research before posting and making an !@# of yourself.

Shut up scrub and clean my boots.
As a veteran as well, I don't think it will hurt Vanilla at all. In the long run the stability will bring more players than will be alienated by some arbitrary number of people in the world.

At the end of the day we are being promised limited sharding and its eventual removal. As long as that is the case then server identity is preserved and that is more important than this "Early Days" hype stuff.

That hype is classic server hype not indicative of the hype of the entire player base.
Do you guys remember in WOD (I know, I try to forget too) when they took They took away personal loot from LFD and the community was in such a rage, they voiced their opinions well, that they reverted it back a few days later?

I think we can do they same thing if they add sharding. Let’s rage then....
I prefer an authentic starting zone as well, but honestly, sharding before lvl 10 won't make a single difference to your experience, but it will make a huge difference to new players who have never played.

It really doesn't matter at all.
As a person that started in TBC... I know sharding will be implemented only in starting zones and for a short time after launch. With that said.

When I take a week off of work to burn 40 hours of PTO for this and loose out on my overtime. Their sever better give me close to 100 % up time. If that means sharding the UC zone. I'm good with it until the population evens out.
11/07/2018 08:16 AMPosted by Gurrag
Jesus, is your life so pathetic you have to complain about everything. It's only going to be used at the start because a lot of people are going to play at the start, and then the numbers will come down to earth and they will remove it. Try to do some research before posting and making an !@# of yourself.

I think you have a little too much faith in that statement.

They can certainly go back on that and just keep sharding.
11/07/2018 08:16 AMPosted by Gurrag
Jesus, is your life so pathetic you have to complain about everything. It's only going to be used at the start because a lot of people are going to play at the start, and then the numbers will come down to earth and they will remove it. Try to do some research before posting and making an !@# of yourself.

Yeah right. People will move onto 10-20 zones, complain on the forums about mob competition and lag, and Blizzard will move sharding to 10-20 zones. Think this won't happen? There's this mob called "Defias Traitor" in an important questline who people, even in groups of 5, line up waiting for hours just to tag.

I remember dynamic respawns in Redridge killing me a few times because there were so many people. So will Blizzard not use dynamic respawns? That means there will be no mobs. What happens then? Sharding! But if they use dynamic respawns in lvl 20 zones, why not just use them in the first place?

Then it moves to STV. Then BRM. Then AQ event.

A person would have to be extremely naive to not even open up to the possibility of this happening. I would still sub if they continue their current sharding plan, provided that it doesn't increase whatsoever, but it's just dumb not to fight against it.
11/07/2018 08:40 AMPosted by Shridevi
11/07/2018 08:16 AMPosted by Gurrag
Jesus, is your life so pathetic you have to complain about everything. It's only going to be used at the start because a lot of people are going to play at the start, and then the numbers will come down to earth and they will remove it. Try to do some research before posting and making an !@# of yourself.

Yeah right. People will move onto 10-20 zones, complain on the forums about mob competition and lag, and Blizzard will move sharding to 10-20 zones. Think this won't happen? There's this mob called "Defias Traitor" in an important questline who people, even in groups of 5, line up waiting for hours just to tag.

I remember dynamic respawns in Redridge killing me a few times because there were so many people. So will Blizzard not use dynamic respawns? That means there will be no mobs. What happens then? Sharding! But if they use dynamic respawns in lvl 20 zones, why not just use them in the first place?

Then it moves to STV. Then BRM. Then AQ event.

A person would have to be extremely naive to not even open up to the possibility of this happening. I would still sub if they continue their current sharding plan, provided that it doesn't increase whatsoever, but it's just dumb not to fight against it.

You went from tinfoil hat strait to titanium.

People are fighting a ghost.

Sharding will not be in any zones but the starting zone for 1 simple fact. They already stated they wont have multiple world bosses, world events and 1 time events going at the same time. These events will happen once a week by 1 raid group or 1 time period.

If they wont use sharding for any of those areas why would they use it for less populated areas?

Once the player base spreads out the worst areas will be capital cities. But with today's tech and servers they can handle the load and it has no game play impact. So there wont be a need for shards there.

They even said sharding can ruin the community, they hear all of you. That's why they said it will be for a limited time... IF they even use it. It has not even been decided on and wont be for another 6 months.
11/07/2018 08:12 AMPosted by Duul
If sharding is in I will not be playing Classic.

As a random guy I think you're all mindless buffoons.

They even said sharding can ruin the community, they hear all of you. That's why they said it will be for a limited time... IF they even use it. It has not even been decided on and wont be for another 6 months.

Yet they continue to shard RP realms when sharding is supposed to be off by default.

Just wait until the first Darkmoon Faire happens and boatloads of horde and alliance flock into a single zone and congregate at the DM spawn point.
I wish I could call myself a vanilla veteran but I was more like a vanilla n00b...

I put all my talents into the first rows of every spec tree and I was proud of it!
You went from tinfoil hat strait to titanium.

People are fight a ghost.

Sharding will not be in any zones but the starting zone for 1 simple fact. They already stated they wont have multiple world bosses, world events and 1 time events going at the same time. These events will happen once a week by 1 raid group or 1 time period.

They even said sharding can ruin the community, they hear all of you. That's why they said it will be for a limited time... IF they even use it. It has not even been decided on and wont be for another 6 months.

Okay, so suppose nobody complains about sharding. You imagine Blizzard NOT increasing its use beyond the starting zone?

Remember in retail when not enough people complained about CRZ, phasing, or sharding, because we didn't understand the disadvantages, and as a result Blizzard increased their prominence in the game? Because there is no precedent or anything.

You think raising objections and not raising objections would both produce the same result?

Who is the one wearing the tinfoil hat? The person citing direct experiences on a recent fresh realm launch and drawing logical conclusions, or the Blizzard loyalist who believes that Blizzard's word will wash away all the specific problems I mentioned?
Here are some make-believe credentials and name drops that prove I am an authority on this matter

You should at least spend a couple sentences explaining what your actual fears about sharding are, or why you think it would be impossible for sharding to ever be tuned or used properly.

11/07/2018 08:40 AMPosted by Shridevi
There's this mob called "Defias Traitor" in an important questline who people, even in groups of 5, line up waiting for hours just to tag.

Similar to the OP here. Please at least get your facts right about why you think the sky is falling.
11/07/2018 09:26 AMPosted by Dunthor
11/07/2018 08:40 AMPosted by Shridevi
There's this mob called "Defias Traitor" in an important questline who people, even in groups of 5, line up waiting for hours just to tag.

Similar to the OP here. Please at least get your facts right about why you think the sky is falling.

Oh yeah? What fact did I get wrong? There is no Defias Traitor in Westfall? There is no line to start the escort quest on fresh vanilla realms? Want some screenshots?

Edit: Here you go buddy:

You think Blizzard won't cave into sharding in that situation? LOL.

Sharding will not be in any zones but the starting zone for 1 simple fact. They already stated they wont have multiple world bosses, world events and 1 time events going at the same time. These events will happen once a week by 1 raid group or 1 time period..

They didn't say there wouldn't be sharding. They said there wouldn't be multiple spawns.

World boss is up..everyone rushes there but most will just see an empty field while those that made it into the shard with the WB get to kill the boss.

That is what happens on RP realms with player events. The sharding happens and players cannot see or participate in the event because they didn't get into that shard.
11/07/2018 08:23 AMPosted by Skrachee
Do you guys remember in WOD (I know, I try to forget too) when they took They took away personal loot from LFD and the community was in such a rage, they voiced their opinions well, that they reverted it back a few days later?

I think we can do they same thing if they add sharding. Let’s rage then....

If you remember WoD then you should also remember why sharding is needed in the first few days.... Unless not being able to get into the game because of hours of queues or servers melting and being taken offline adds to your experience.
11/07/2018 09:23 AMPosted by Shridevi
You went from tinfoil hat strait to titanium.

People are fight a ghost.

Sharding will not be in any zones but the starting zone for 1 simple fact. They already stated they wont have multiple world bosses, world events and 1 time events going at the same time. These events will happen once a week by 1 raid group or 1 time period.

They even said sharding can ruin the community, they hear all of you. That's why they said it will be for a limited time... IF they even use it. It has not even been decided on and wont be for another 6 months.

Okay, so suppose nobody complains about sharding. You imagine Blizzard NOT increasing its use beyond the starting zone?

Remember in retail when not enough people complained about CRZ, phasing, or sharding, because we didn't understand the disadvantages, and as a result Blizzard increased their prominence in the game? Because there is no precedent or anything.

You think raising objections and not raising objections would both produce the same result?

Who is the one wearing the tinfoil hat? The person citing direct experiences on a recent fresh realm launch and drawing logical conclusions, or the Blizzard loyalist who believes that Blizzard's word will wash away all the specific problems I mentioned?

People are complaining after they already acknowledged the complaint...

11/07/2018 09:45 AMPosted by Brockthorn

Sharding will not be in any zones but the starting zone for 1 simple fact. They already stated they wont have multiple world bosses, world events and 1 time events going at the same time. These events will happen once a week by 1 raid group or 1 time period..

They didn't say there wouldn't be sharding. They said there wouldn't be multiple spawns.

World boss is up..everyone rushes there but most will just see an empty field while those that made it into the shard with the WB get to kill the boss.

Sharding can produce multiple spawns. Players get moved to a new shard that is a copy of the world. When you see enemies in the world and you notice a player vanish or they notice you vanish. Do the NPC's vanish as well? No they stay on the screen as an exact copy of the instance they came from.

So in this perspective multiple world bosses can be sharded.

I could be wrong but I never see npc's exspecially in the demo get removed from my screen if I got sharded out.
the only thing that worries me is the start. starting new servers back in the day was part of the fun, seeing all the new guilds forming and spamming invites, seeing right off the hop who was a douch and who wasn't. That's what im worried about devaluing. but we shall see, its not a game breaker so to say for me.