As predicted what would happen after ret nerfs

Ya. This is literally the worst rogue/mage has ever been and it’s large-in-part because of ret (and the recent sub rogue nerfs).
RMP did really well into ret/war in shadowlands, because the ret was such a good kill target. Now that it’s not, it’s very problematic because if you dont go the ret, he saves his team reliably every single time. If you do go the ret, he’s a walking tank who wont die and it makes the script for the ret/X/Healer very very simple.

:astonished: :astonished: :astonished:
Mikey, this is getting spicy up in hear

Remember when DHs had to get nerfed 8 times?

Ya, sometimes more than 1 tuning pass is needed. This is one of those cases.

Yeah, funny thing is most ret’s don’t agree with the class fantasy that blizzard has for the class where they are tanky af and can’t move. A lot of rets wanted to go back in time with pursuit of justice and things of that nature or some new mobility spells. If that was the case they wouldn’t be as tanky and would still be seen as a kill target but blizzard is stuck on this class fantasy that you have to be a crawling juggernaut that hits like a truck when he catches you. Yea they have more range now but it’s not like they can use everything they have at 40 yards, ret can still be easily kited and contrary to popular belief range is not a replacement for mobility.

Sorry for the second reply to this. In general I avoid bringing my or other peoples’ rating into any conversation because it’s not often prudent to the discussion at hand. Further, saying “Oh I’m higher rated than you, so I know more or have a better understanding” is not always correct, and is certainly not a way to have a civil conversation. I’m not trying to be misleading or duplicitous by not stating my credentials (it’s all viewable on check pvp, I don’t hide anything).

That’s exactly the problem, though. This is one of the most deflated seasons in the history of the game. For 95% of the expansion, the 2k bracket was LITERALLY multi glads and some R1 players. So that people who are just jumping on the class like…

and are farming multi-glad players and it’s “easy” is just another anecdotal piece of data to indicate how broken ret pally really is.

Hard disagree. I think almost every ret paladin has been saying “dont nerf survivability, we died to a sneeze and we need this”. Also, ret does not crawl. Ret can EASILY get their damage out and run down a target all game currently. If you’re getting kited, then you have to be doing a LOT wrong.

Ret isn’t crawling, though. It’s really hard to not get your damage off, man.

This is just factually incorrect. Divine toll, final verdict, final reck, and even wake of ashes all have more than enough range to hit and stay on someone who is kiting you as JUST a ret paladin, and thats not even accounting for team support from a warrior/hunter/lock/healer.


You forgot Feral…

This forum was drowning in posts crying about how OP and broken feral was…until they got bore of that.

A class wins a large majority of their games means they should be nerfed. If this was league of legends, all win rates with the spec, each talent, etc would be posted for everyone to see the percentages. A champ with 53%+ wr immediately gets nerfed on the next patch in league. A 55+% wr is a considere a HUGE imbalance. Rets were 63%+ wr and rets literally had 1k+ jumps in cr. Look at the activity logs of the rets CR. In a balanced meta about half of these would be going up in cr and the other half going down with it averaging out to everyone being about the same. 95+% of rets went up in Cr and most went up by 300+ cr with some of them well over 1k in cr increase.

A “bad take,” is making a claim with no actual evidence for you claim. What can be asserted without evidence can be as easily dismissed without evidence. So you are the one with a, “bad take.”

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i agree nerf ret.

This is a list of classes that are posting for ret nerfs

what Site is that?

CheckPvP > Activities

Out of 20ish lobbies Ives seen prob 8 locks 2 rogues 1 mage… Every match There has been a ret… 19/20 Has had a ret. Lets just stop.

… Go back to twitter please.

Lifetime 1600’s bracket players hitting 2.4k with ease claiming “RET’S NOT OP IT JUST GOT FINALLY MADE VIABLE” as if ret’s “unviability” was what was gatekeeping you from that 1800 tmog for a decade.

Silly Paladins. I’d be in favor of a global Ret rating reversion to where it was before the rework.