As of now, we now pay to be told we cant play legitimately

I’m sure its in the TOS they can do whatever they want whenever they want, got it. People that legit instance farm on one account are screwed.

Want to farm HOJ? Hope you have good luck today.

Blizzard do you just want your game to be paid for by bots only and the rest of us to quit? I’m sure you would honestly be fine with that to be honest.

Blizzard, you’re getting all this backlash because people still care about your game even when you don’t. Sure this doesn’t apply to all players but I know many that easily farm that much on a day off from work and would like to continue to keep farming past 30 instances on said day.

I know posting wont matter anyways because…well…its Activision Blizzard these days and that’s the way she goes.


100% agreed this is the DUMBEST CHANGE


I don’t know anyone that does 30 runs of a dungeon per day. Not a single person.


@pillowfort . Just because you dont experience the issue doesnt mean many others do not.

No life 30 instance a day is NOT normal. It’s about time they band-limited how much someone can farm / play.


Want to farm TF? Hope you have good luck this week.

its been like this from the start

they already did, 5 per hour

Damn, 20 posts on this subject in the last hour.
You got issues if you need post every 3 minutes on this.

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Big RIP for all the rogues soloing it, took me 86 runs to get my HOJ so now that’s only gonna be like 3 extra days of waiting.

haha yes, but clearly you’ve run out of arguments and are just deflecting now. So I win this one I guess.

Gratz. Theres plenty of them though.

My druid has easily spent 6+ hours farming gnomer for MCPs to be viable and ready to raid that day. The drop rate can plain suck, Do some quick runs, afk until the next hour.

This is one of many examples of how legitimate players get hurt with this change.


The change fits vanilla core. Suck it up.

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There have been druids on here with crap like “I run 10 resets a week for my MCPs this doesn’t affect any druids at all” Like, great on you for your magic RNG, but it does affect other people so maybe stop being a wank? lol oh man

210 runs a week.

You can instance cap in like 30 mins farming SGC. It’s not as hard as some of you people seem to believe.


Only players that farm for more than 30 instances a day are screwed. Is that really most players? Why?

I thought this was a “game”. Doing that sure isn’t a game to me. Apparently is isn’t to Activision-Blizzard either.

But if it is to you, that’s your opinion. Just as valid as my opinion. Peace.

Okay, well I’d like to limit your playtime to nothing because I don’t like your face and think you’re a dumbo who doesn’t deserve to play.

Isn’t imposing your opinions of what other people should do or think great?


Funny that you mention it.

The common argument in support for multi boxers is that blizzard allows it, so therefore it’s good. But when they restrict the number of instances an account can run per day, some how it’s blizzard telling you how you can play the game. As you can see here, the game doesn’t belong to you. It belongs to blizzard. They can tell you how you can play the game or not play it. It’s completely fair. It exists within the framework that people use to say multiboxers aren’t cheating. AT any given moment blizzard can decide what is acceptable or not acceptable in the game. If you want to argue against that. Go ahead. You have my blessings. But you’re going to upset a lot of multiboxers.

go back to your minimum wage job under achiever.

I don’t like the change either, but can we treat eachother with even the smallest amount of respect?

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