As an older gamer, I prefer Classic over Retail

Its like hes not even trying anymore to troll us… give this a 1/10

why…run the exile intro to then stop at level 10?

why not level cap and get some ar’s? instant level 10’s. Make great bank alts too. level 10 and in the city in no time flat really. In a fit of ocd I made several on mg and WRA.

one gets clothe, one gets ore, etc.

this gets you vulpera…good bait, proper bait. Most “love” vulpera, lol. or…a blood elf skinned void elf. to hook the blood elf purists.

Oh my favorite level 10 human mage !

Maybe OP isnt a troll, but really is 60 with alzheimer’s.

Hence the posting on the army of alts and not remembering they are all him


When op says he is 60, he means this is his 60th account to troll the forums since 59 just got banned.


Damn another gdkp alt. Flag and move on people

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I agree. Let’s keep classic, classic. No RDF needed.

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