…to want to curl up for a nap in somebody’s lap?
No, little buddy. Not at all. From what I understand it’s a quiet slice of heaven.
Well, you better pick the right class buddy or you might wake up stranded in Desolace…or worse. High demand for black market exotic beast feasts in some places.
that’s confusing… how does napping in someone’s lap end-up with me stranded in desolace??
Without reading further… yes. Yes it is.
Just gotta think it through…
all i can think is that i’d be napping in like, a tauren’s lap or something, on a one of those big ol’ horde caravan carts, and ending-up at that druid-place without a ride out of there…
Hey little buddy. I have just the right place for you.
motions to the skinning machine
It’ll be nice and cozy.
Only if they pet you first.
That’s what I like to hear.
(Hefts club)
Turn them into scarves.
Goldshire enters the thread
Keep your sticky paws away. I know your kind. Buncha thieves.
It’s not wrong, just dangerous, especially if you curl up on the lap of a Vampiric Night Elf Death Knight
Could you and your buddies come over and visit us in Stormwind? My wife needs a new fur coat
I think it’s fine.
So long as they consent…
Hey look a nice shiny court,
*Picks up boomstick
lets get him bois
oh of course. don’t wanna nap on a lap of someone who does’nt consent! i mean, they might kick me off if they gotta get-up or something!
If you’d like to curl up in my lap, I think that would be very cute! As long as I can boop your nose several times!!
I’d be happy if a vulpera to snuggled in my lap. Would feel like when my cats snuggle in my lap in cold weather
And if I can fluff your tail while you sleep all the better, lol