As a transgender player

Centuries for some.


Hmm maybe I should check fivethirtyeight…

I’m not afraid of the side too scared of a boomstick.

Looks like this thread is home to more cultists than I imagined.

No matter, this thread is more free lols for the trolls of 4chan to snack on.

And this has literally zero effect on people born male bc they never had that ability to begin. No idea why its ever relevant. Imagine being an infertile woman or a woman who had a hysterectomy and being lumped in with MTFs for a shltty internet argument.

You don’t know a thing. There are LOTS of those on the left that have plenty of experience with guns. Lots from the military. Because we (and actually a majority of Americans in general, over 70%) want comprehensive background checks, doesn’t mean they are afraid. They just don’t want lunatics to have access to them, considering in 2018 domestic alt right terrorists were the biggest cause of violence in America, they might be onto something.

But no, explain how people wanting equality is the real danger Alex Vulpera Jones


Because obviously transphobes who follow this arbitrary standard are automatically going to consider trans women lesser or not legitimate because they cannot carry children.

No, it is you who knows nothing pal.

You’re not on the winning side if things eventually snap.
Lmao muh red wave

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Also, playing call of duty is not real boomstick experience kid.

You being in the minority would prove you are on the wrong side champ. Your side already lost one attempt with their stupid attempt to kidnap a governor for making them wear a mask, and shutting down gyms…

gross wtf . . . …

You don’t have any proof I’m the minority. Your media overlords don’t either.

No it isn’t, but BMT, weapons training, and years in service IS experience. More than you can say Meal Team 6

So you’re a traitor?

The fact you couldn’t win the popular vote is one proof…


America is not and never was run on popular vote. Try again.

It’s a good thing that viewing irony isn’t fatal.

Was just typing this out. Seems so strange to me that anyone would think folks on the “left” don’t own firearms or are afraid of them, lol. I suppose that odd rhetoric is working.


Trump isn’t America. The president isn’t America, and the right wing is not America. We swear oaths to the constitution, not the fat man in charge right now.

But it does prove you ARE in the minority. By definition if you do not have more than someone, you are a minority.

“I’m the majority”
“You lost the popular vote despite conservatives being more likely to vote”
“S-so what”