Completely anecdotal, but I personally know a woman whose husband called her an “it” after she had a hysterectomy. This kind of ignorance definitely exists in our society, whether or not we’ve experienced it. Just because we haven’t experienced it, doesn’t mean it’s not happening.
You’re on a General Forum. Join a Trans/LGHHJDIE Forum where members are approved like any other forum. Blizz is allowing Freedom of Expression to a point.
True. They can’t see reality when they don’t like the fact. Like how they really are neither part of the silent majority…or how they aren’t oppressed, or how no one is trying to legislate how they live their lives. They just are trying to do it to others, then play victim when the oppressed fight back
Exactly. I’ve not experienced a lot of things, but I don’t take that to mean the issue exists nowhere.
I hope you know 30.2 million people disagree with you. Even if some are not American.
Imagine victimizing yourself because you’re a Trump supporter lmao
Pretending it’s perfectly normal isn’t going to help.
At least you can acknowledge its an anecdote about an abusive husband. Still has absolutely zero to do with MTFs.
There is incongruent weight on womanhood being “the ability to carry a child”. Wbk
You realize a few things right?
- US has 380 million citizens. 30 million is not a majority
- Despite that MORE voted for democrats too. We just give land more weight in voting than people
30 million out of 7 billion. I am truly petrified.
“I can’t wear a red hat so I’m going to be a contrarian so that these people, who have experienced what I’ve experienced except tenfold, really know how it feels to be discriminated against!”
These people probably think Ben Shapiro is a genius, too.
That is what they do. They can’t argue from a factual basis…they have to argue as if they are the victim
That’s less than the global population of trans people
Is it? That’s hilarious.
Yeah Africa and the Middle East are really on your side…
I’m a little disheartened that you haven’t been getting the ‘genuine’ reply that you so innocently and naively asked for, but at the same time, to do so means having to explain our existence which can both be just as humiliating as it is pointless.
We show ‘pride’ in our gender/sexuality because literally the rest of the world tries to hide us away as something to be ashamed of, it’s to counter the ‘shame’ around something that is actually quite neutral, and completely natural. In reality there is nothing to be ‘proud’ or ‘ashamed’ of at all when it comes to gender/sexuality, but the minorities get the short end of the stick when it comes to people thinking we’re gross or nasty for being different… Nobody should care about our sexuality/gender, but unfortunately that’s not the world we live in, and asking us to keep quite about it only perpetuates the misinformation that leads to the very bigotry and hate that we experience on a daily basis…
That’s why we are ‘proud’ of our gender/sexuality, loud and proud! and we won’t be silenced! I’m transgender, and that’s beautiful~ :9
Not claiming it has anything specifically to do with MtF, just sharing that there are people who will assert that a woman is not a woman if she can’t reproduce. I feel I can confidently say this is probably pretty rare, but it’s not nonexistent.
Burying your heads in the sand and demonizing people will not stop the meteor of retribution from coming yet again on the 3.
Why? You don’t understand why pretending an issue isn’t one could be a problem?