As a transgender player

It’s ok to be online and 50 too!

I mostly agree with this. Some things there is no middle ground… but those are likely the exceptions.

You wait.

Give me 50 years and I’ll chuck my dentures at you. :laughing:

My great grandfather would do that crap when I was a kid. lmao


I know this, my dad’s basically that old lol and he still plays more than me.

This is a strange moment, I feel like a child.

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My grandma would bite my arm with her gums…

Were you tasty?

That sounds like it would feel very strange. haha

Mine stuck her finger between my ribs. Haaaaaated it.

Forced diversity for diversity’s sake is always garbage.

hEy LoOk We MaDe A gAy NpC sO bRaVe

I do appreciate your characters name being relevant to your situation though, hope the transition goes smoothly.


Oh I hate that. Especially when someone comes up behind me and does it. I have the startle reflex of a deer.

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I am too tired to keep the positive vibes going. So I will sleep. I love you nice people. I wish you many tasty cookies in your future.

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Who held the devs at gunpoint?

I am very glad my grandparents never did this.

Good night, darling.

Question. How do they add diversity without it being “forced” then?

They held theirselves to try and fit in so they didn’t get in trouble lol.

Also, fullcowl-wyrmrestaccord says trans rights. Send tweet. Good night.

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Good night!

probably the woke dingledorf who has been throbbing shadowlands.


I also wonder why it’s not considered “forced” for non-minorities.

There are a surprising amount of young people who play the game, I know someone in my guild who was like 1 year old when WoW actually came out.