As a transgender player

You’re like that guy on SpongeBob who says random things just to get glared at by everyone on the set.

True, I’ve had a friend commit suicide out of the blue too. Even after talking to them the night before onboard the ship.

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Not like that, I’m guessing you’ve never experienced that one guy that is asking you to play 24/7 when you just want to play the game, put on some music and chill. They are a good friend, they just constantly want to play and that can be a bit annoying sometimes. I envy you for never encountering that.

:blue_square: :purple_square: :white_large_square: :purple_square: :blue_square:

there’s not really a pink square :frowning:


No because id just tell them I didn’t want to play haha. I guess we just handle confrontation differently.

This is still adorable anyways.

The peanut gallery type :slight_smile:

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Some people are sensitive and get their feelings hurt when I say that so I tend to just hide offline to nip it in the bud :no_mouth:

fwiw I usually hide offline too, especially on Discord.

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There’s nothing wrong with feeling grief for people you view as a hero.

I’m like that with Satoru Iwata. Hearing his name makes my heart choke up.

But hey, who knows? Maybe one day, in another life depending on your faith, you can give him praise personally. :slight_smile:


I’ve literally never adjusted my discord status. Im always down to partayyy

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As a Hindu we do believe in reincarnation :sweat_smile:


Samsara :slight_smile:


I’m sorry to hear that. :frowning: we take life for granted too often. I lost a close friend to a drink driving accident three months ago and it was soul crushing.

But as I’ve said, friendships persist forever, not even death can stop them.

Agh, I hate discord tbh

Yeah, I remember we talked about it. We both lost friends to DD :frowning:

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Well, maybe one day, you’ll get to meet him again in the next!

Sometimes I, really appreciate the Hindi faith.


Anyways Frosty, I got plans down in Portland for apartment shopping. Long drive for me. Have a goodnight :slight_smile:

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You too! Drive safe please! :smiley:

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Wait really, how come? Discord is like my go to place.