As a transgender player

Unlike you, I work and can afford to leave my batcave to afford other accounts.

This thread is why Trump is president.

I don’t think the people that make downright homophobic posts realize it isn’t like any other silence. It’s a two strikes your out deal, if you do it twice you get a warning first then a permaban from the forums.

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Imagine spending your Friday nights trolling on the forums. :woman_facepalming:t2:

As a white, cis, straight person, I always read through these threads & see some ridiculous bigoted comments & feel like the sober person who brought her drunk friend to a party & constantly has to apologize for her friend vomiting all over the place & acting a fool.


Good thing I don’t have one! Gotcha moment.

Right, like… :running_woman:

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You’re the one who mentioned private parts. Yucky.

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Not even a good troll :yawning_face:


I’m a big fan of pootang, too.

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Bruh these people wouldn’t want you within ten miles of theirs, don’t flatter yourself.

Homie hasn’t even logged in on that character :weary::weary::weary::weary: why would I bother

I’m sure theirs get a lot of attention.



Can anyone tell me what the appeal is of getting purposely silenced? It’s about as pointless as that dude that is proud they managed to say the forbidden word or managed to post nsfw in general chat on discord.

When you’re a teenager lots of things are appealing that are generally seen as socially unacceptable


You know if you really felt that transgender people were suffering from a mental illness you would be happy that they are receiving treatment. It has been proven that people who suffer from body dysphoria live better, happier, more productive lives after receiving treatment (transitioning) in the case transgender people. Transitioning is the ideal treatment but not everyone can do that due to cost and/ or being underage. The suicide rates rates of transgender people are so high and if transitioning can save a life why not be happy and accepting of them.

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I think it’s the only way they can convince themselves they’re persecuted.

I see where you are coming from and know that you are approaching that conversation with good intentions, but they are an obvious troll and you won’t get anywhere with them.

True, I just wish they would lower the gold cost of using the trans vendor. Transmogging my outfits everyday is costing me a lot of gold.