As a paid subscriber, why am I not allowed to use the LFG tool?

Nope even us old timers have the keychain one. Later upgraded to the app lol.

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If you choose to live in the technological past, don’t be surprised when you miss out on modern advancements.

This one’s on you, friend.


People still complaining about an authenticator :rofl:


Maybe some work then . I hade Boost Mobile years ago and I couldn’t use it for authentication.

Most surprising thing is how a 24 year old isn’t using a smartphone for personal use already, most 16-24 year olds I see are glued to their personal smartphone 24/7 :laughing:

If it was like an old-timer, old person, or retiree using a “dinaosaur-tech” flip phone I could understand that - it’s possible they’re just more comfortable with it or grew up on the dinosaur tech. But we’re talking a 24 year old here - it’s like dude, just get a smartphone :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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You can get a CHEAP phone from Walmart. The app may work with just wifi I’m pretty sure

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Use the $15 you spend on wow to save up for a phone

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You don’t need a smart phone. You need a contract phone with a text plan. You can use another device to install the Auth on as long as it has Wifi.

You are allowed to use it. You just can’t put in custom details.

Which is what they did it for - although it does not work perfectly, it does reduce spam.

Secondary authentication is not an outdated feature. Further, the requirement to have a cell number attached to it to install the Auth is very new in the past year or so. So is the Auth + phone requirement for custom groups. We have had it in place for a long time for 4 extra back pack slots. Maybe that is what you are thinking of?

That won’t help anymore. To install the Authenticator you need a phone number with a text plan set up. VOIP, burner phones, etc won’t work with it.


I just think it’s odd you want to blatantly advertise you don’t have 2FA for your account here, heh.

You can still use the group finder and make groups, just can’t customize a title. Wowza.

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This again lol

Please stop spreading misinformation, I’ve literally been using a burner phone for years and my authenticator works fine. Used to be on Simple Mobile, now on Tracfone.

I assume it also works with any of the other burner-level phone brands from Walmart (Family Mobile, Total Wireless, Cricket, etc)

I rarely make calls and almost all my communication is thru text so it comes out much cheaper than a “traditional” $50-$100/month cell plan. For internet I just use my Comcast WiFi password and I get decent coverage in most places.

No, you don’t “need” an expensive phone with a $100/month bill just to have an authenticator :roll_eyes:

Blue stacks. Its free. Now chill

It’s more how the number is registered and classified. Sometimes those companies do not seem to work well with the system, unfortunately. Numbers that had been previously used for full on subscription service don’t seem to have an issue but it seems the newer numbers will not work. It’s not anything Blizzard can do on their end, it’s some sort of internal classification that would need to be addressed by the FCC. Even the provider cannot seem to fix that classification from what all of these other threads that have been around have stated.

So it’s not misinformation. The majority of people having issues with their phones not working do seem to be using Cricket or similar services for pre-paid plans. It’s been enough of a pattern that it’s directly stated in their support article from two years ago, even before 9.1.5.

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You’re paying less than everyone else because Blizzard incurs extra costs to fix your account when it inevitably gets hacked. Since you pay less, you get fewer services.

That said, they should have added support for YubiKeys when they took away the Bnet authenticators.

As a paid subscriber. Cause anyone using the game isn’t a paid subscriber? Even the people advertising in LFG have accounts.

Being a subscriber doesn’t mean you can’t be shady sorry. Sometimes controls are needed beyond a subscription to stop people from being able to spam.

Will NOT work.

Customizing LFG titles, so advanced. What a time to be alive boys!

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Not so strange when I don’t even care about what smartphones have to offer.
I bought one to see what it’s like, took me few minutes to learn every functions, tried about everything possible with it, but really… 99% of what I can do with it is just waste of time and waste of money, so I use it for phone call & text, end of story.

OP is right, but in a near future mobile phones are very likely what’s going to be our next PCs.
I would say, yes I’m “old school” dinosaur phones are cheaper (not always the case), tougher (but don’t drop it on lava) and reliable (never fails unless the battery is dead), I’m looking forward to get a good old flip phone, the last one I had lasted 9 years and costed less than $100 / year.

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You do realize that happened years ago. We all jumped on it to get the perky pug and extra backpack slots. But mostly because I’ve seen friends hacked and didn’t want my stuff to get jacked.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know why they now require you to have one to change the title in LFG. Boosting is a plague that needs more drastic action than requiring an authenticator. IMO, only the buyers should be able to advertise.

You also know it doesn’t prevent you from using the LFG tool, only changing the title.

So your options are pretty clear…

If you want to list with a custom title, get a smart phone.

If you can’t, or won’t, list with the default title.

Have a friend with an authenticator do the listing.

Join another group with a similar objective.

Discussion over.

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Except you can.

I also agree that it’s a very stupid thing. I ended up caving and doing it because I had to for WQs and the like. I don’t get it in the slightest, but now I have some app on my phone. Oh boy! Seriously such a stupid way to get their app on your phone.