As a newer feral player

Season 3/4 have been some of the most fun I’ve had on wow… well ever.
Feral feels so fun to play, doesn’t really feel clunky to me.
Looking at the war within changes makes me very sad. RF being removed was honestly the biggest blow for me personally, as that’s always what I play lol.
I got to 3100io after having never played feral before (well excluding 1 season in WoD)
and I honestly just… I feel defeated looking at these changes. Should I just swap to Sin Rogue or go back to my priest? Bc I feel in the minority with hating most of these changes.

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better answer: restro druid

Absolutely not.
I tried it in S3 and it is WAY too busy.

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You do know they’ve added RF back into the talent tree for TWW, right?

Comment was made 5 hours ago
Change to RF being the main AoE component for Feral has been there for???

Are you sure youve looked over the changes?

I read whatever alpha notes was posted yesterday on wowhead.
I still wish I could ignore you because even knowing you exist is repulsive.

If only there was a place to go with direct links to WoW Devs

If being corrected constantly repulses you, perhaps you should do a little more research into matters you post about?