As a new player I'm confused about GDKP ban

Playing WoW for the first time and I’m having a blast so far and as I’ve been playing I’ve been exposed to alot of the tradechat in the major cities obviously
So I’ve investigated things like HR, SR, boosting services, people selling Tank or Healer services
And I thought, great thats very cool, everyone in this game is basically like a Mercenary, the economy seems inflated by goldsellers (as it is in literally every game) so being a mercanary and doing things for gold is a cool way to play the game

Now I’ve been stumbling on this term GDKP and after investigating I’ve found out its basically banned, but only on the server I am on right now (Anniversary)
But I dont understand why…
Isn’t it essentially the same thing as all those boosts and services that everyone advertises all the time anyways?

People pay for a service to get items that are otherwise unobtainable for them , which is allowed
But a group of people doing a service and then auctioning the items is not allowed?

Now granted, I’m new, I never raided, I never did any WoW endgame
But I just feel kinda disappointed that such a cool mercenary system is actively being banned from the game when other similar systems are completely fine


Paying for services is 1 thing.

Having whole raids bid on gear with rmt gold is another.

The only reason you are seeing this huge surge in bots and an inflated economy is because the same people that used to launder their money in gdkps are now having to find other ways. Parasites will always parasite.

It’s also banned on sod.

Link a post where blizzard ever said this


You saw a wildly different announcement than I read, because the one I read talked about guild and social structures and only mentioned GDKP as a driver in RMT, not as the sole source. And that was on the SoD server announcement, the anniversary announcement didn’t mention RMT at all.


No way a pro gdkper would ever be disingenuous!! :joy:


If you say it like that yeah
but if you say it like this

Paying for services with rmt gold is 1 thing
Paying for whole raids bid on gear with rmt gold is another

It just doesnt make much sense to me

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That’s why I said parasites will always parasite.

But a 10-50g cost is nothing compared to 100k gold items. Gdkp discords would actively advertise gold selling to the raiders while bidding was happening.

Never going to stop it all, but it’s definitely hurt them.

Hmmm I see that makes alot more sense now, like I said I wouldn’t know the structure of such raids cause new player
But if advertisements for GDKP raids included advertisements for discords where they actively sold gold to a large amount of players then it’s truly a problem of scale
That’s a shame

It was a good system on paper. In blizzards words though it became a damned if you do damned if you don’t situation.

Damned if you do because you were supporting rmt and mixing legitimately earned gold in with rmtd gold.

Damned if you don’t because these raiders were earning 5-10k gold in 2hrs. Most of it botted gold. Meaning the value of gold to a gdkper was vastly different to someone that didn’t gdkp.

If you want to try out this system, era servers still allow it as does retail and cata classic.

Glad I could help you out.

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I was obviously trolling slightly, you will never get rid of RMT. When you have poor countries that can profit and richer countries can use money to take shortcuts it will always be here. The only thing that could be done to reduce but never completely remove is if Blizzard actually cared and put a little effort in. Not the fake every 6-8 months “we banned 1000 suspicious accounts”. Sadly there is no easy answer and people will always argue both sides.

Yep, only ways to combat it are to make it more difficult for them to succeed. As parasites will always parasite.

The worst part is those bots that are breaking Blizzards TOS are also increasing their profits. So they don’t want to get rid of them all, just enough to keep the people that hate bots to keep playing. So in the past they do their couple times a year “ban waves”. Making players kind of happy, allowing the bots to profit for awhile and make it worth their time, and enough time to re-level again after the bans. The magical profit to keeping players happy formula.

mer·ce·nar·y /ˈmərsənˌerē/

adjective: mercenary

  1. primarily concerned with making money at the expense of ethics.

Sounds about right to me, you’d think I’d be able to work for the opposite faction since I’m not really a hero and just in it for the cash.

Im in the same boat. New player, and a little bummed that being a pirate with other players and collecting booty is banned. I get people are mad about bot gold. But it doesn’t really bother me as a new player. Honestly most of the stuff I would have no clue about without reading the forums. Which i kinda regret.

Hey, I got this cool bridge that I’d like to sell someone. Know any takers?

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To anyone who believes that OP…I have some swampland I’d like to sell them.

These Swiper tactics continue to amuse.


Oh hey look. I figured you would be here shortly with your regular BS.

This isn’t true at all.


Lol I didn’t know there is a flight master let you fly between lands the 1st 3 months I was playing wow. You came in fresh n leveled a warrior to lvl 32 n because you have a huge brain you happen to get to the point you can analyze raid loot systems n you came to the realization that GDKP is the best lol.

A very believable n innocent story n certainly not another swiper/seller trying to feed us a story about how good GDKP is.


try actual DKP. It’s the same thing.

Sure, you’re just a “new player” that happens to just stumble upon the forums where all they do is complain about no GDKP and how they want it back, how there’s nothing wrong with it, and how there’s totally no rmt involved….wild