I can’t imagine being a brand new player getting into PvP. I’ve been glad as well as high exp for nearly every season since Legion, yet I can still not gear this character up. I decided to start gearing this DH for PvP, and I swear half the groups are either a advertisement, people posting their twitch for viewer carries, or are just people that are already 2k+ and rightfully don’t feel like tanking with a freshly geared character.
Blizzard, if it takes me an hour and a half of looking for a group in LFG WITH these kinds of achievements can you imagine how demoralizing it must be for new pvpers? Outside of just being obliterated by people with 20k+ more health than you. This is the most frustrating experience I’ve had and I only put up with it because I have the time and I’ve been playing for going on 10 years.
Im literally trying to find yolo games on my dk at 0 cr and there is just nobody out there. Game is in an awful state. Legitimately think im going to quit until 9.2 or later.
I went to setup an alt from scratch a while back, and the most tedious bit was trying to find partners. Can’t convince anybody to play when you’re in the dumps in terms of gear. Fine, whatever took what I could. Just slum it out for some early rating/conquest.
All in all it was like 90ish 2v2 matches, 30-40ish? 3v3 matches then 2-3 rbgs to get fully 259 geared. Keep in mind this was over the period of a few weeks with the weekly vault.
Most of the time was in BGs just upgrading stuff to the next tier before queuing again.
I’ve met quite a few players who haven’t really pvp’d prior who are doing fine. I, myself, am also finding queues. Some aren’t good, but I can play arenas when I want to about 90% of the time - the other 10% I’m either busy with something else or I have sudden inspiration to queue at 4 am and there’s just no one on because jobs or something idk.
Oh wait, certain posters want to troll and “feel gud” about themselves and their own “accomplishments” or whatever while passive aggressively looking down and chortling about others struggles while pretending to help.
I remember whatever season RBGs first came out. I don’t specifically remember the toon I was playing, likely either a Mage or DK, but I tried unsuccessfully (all groups wanted arena XP for an invite) to get group invites for a week or so until giving up and just going back to random BGs/raiding.
It was just by chance last season that I decided to play an Hpal and they were FoTM enough for me to get low cr invites when I got bored and decided to give it a try. One and a half seasons later I’ve been Duelist in 2’s, 3’s, and RBG’s on multiple classes. But that was what? 10 years that I gave up on trying to PVP? Lol I could have probably accomplished a lot of cool stuff between then and now.
It’s not just PVP–PVE is the same way. Kind of funny that the game’s population is on a steady decline but we do nothing as a community to bolster our ranks by being inclusive. Kind of ironic.
I mean without ever having active people to queue with, having those with just LFG is pretty decent. I’ve been 2300+ a couple of the duelist seasons. Around half way through BFA I kinda stopped pvping seriously and just went for the transmogs. Shadowlands has been the worst LFG experience I’ve had since really getting into pvp at the end of Legion
The honor gear really isnt worth putting the time into. Oddly enough just jumping into arenas and getting crushed while getting gear is honnestly the best way to go.
Far Easier for healers though cuz u can generally just play 40 yards away, and if they dive you, just run away to a bad spot for them. Really cant do that as a dps though.
Yeah, this whole situation is unfortunate. Honor gear should come 233 PVP ilev straight from the vendor at its current price, or something. It’s just so inefficient/expensive.
Not only do they have to sit through a lot of losses but they need somebody who’ll do it with them, and LFG is notoriously quick to find an excuse after a loss to bail.