As a Community, we want RDF

you can join lookingforgroup anywhere in the world. You dont sit in town to form groups…

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Crazy idea:
Just don’t use it.


ya we dont have to cuz its not added, and for good reason :slight_smile:

I vote yes

LFG is sad and filled with trash talk and advertisements. Good job on the “socialization” Blizz.


You’re starting to strawman

You’re bringing other factors into a one point argument. If you’re going to argue, be competent.

First it was teleportation, not it’s about gear/exp? You’re bringing other factors in every time you respond.

It’s the same thing, sorry to tell ya baby girl. It effects nothing, literally.

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It was removed

To help people with weak mental health to cope with a feature that didn’t affect their lives.

Crap feature that never works; ie; LFG Bulletin board was made

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Everyone voting no for dungeon finder definitely never played original wrath. When that got released during icc patch, it was the best thing they ever did. Literally no one complained about it. I don’t know why people are having issues with it now. Must be all the dps players salty they had to wait 10-15 mins for a queue.


When they added it to the game, it was such a wanted feature that the game went up over a million subs.


Very true, Wrath becomes the best expansion when RDF is added.



And the part that irritates me the MOST… IT’S OPTIONAL.

Just don’t use the feature, lol… run your little heart away and slow-walk to the dungeons it you want.


Then why was it removed? it seems a lot share my opinion, including the devs who removed it. Makes you wonder…

I agree. RDF was more successful than trying to trying to travel around (for different LFG channels) and shout for one, and it’s certainly better than the garbage group-finder option we have right now, even as a tank.

If you don’t like it, fine, don’t use it. If you’re not having to stand around and hunt for a group, then I assume you have a regular team you run with, and as such, it shouldn’t matter to you if there’s RDF or not.

I feel like the people against it are really against LFR for raids, and I think that ought to be a whole other conversation, and not used as an argument to get rid of RDF.


:arrow_down: :arrow_down: :arrow_down:


theres no argument here, you are just stating something as if it were a fact.

It’s a scape goat to put the blame on sub. drops due to a feature, than admit they are a trash company with trash engineers/devs doing trash work.

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See… this is the only type of justification I ever see. No valid points… just “bleh blick blah dee blah blur lol”

Servers are back up btw. We can make the RDF-deniers look stupid next maintenance.


I want RDF !!!


And here you are to prove my point.