As a Community, we do not want RDF

have they really been bullying you? or did they just disagree with you and you took it as a personal attack?

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We really have been nothing but kind and reasonable.

We won. Now swallow it, pro RDFers. Retail is waiting for you. Don’t destroy our Classic Community.

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Did you miss the very first post in the thread?

I just don’t see a difference between RDF and no RDF. One I queue up and the game gives me random people who don’t talk. The other I make a post in LFG and randomly pick people who don’t talk. The one benefit of RDF though is the leader can’t reserve dungeon loot.

The King has spoken.

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That’s all it is and nobody realizes it. It’s really horrible and cheapens the game. Lowers replayability

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Is it?

That says you can’t have multiple words, which your name has.

Kinda seems like that’s what you did here:

All I did was disagree with them.

This needs to be pinned by mods, the forum need to see it daily as an affirmation of their loss to the majority of players so we can quell this pro-RDF nonsense once and for all.

LFG Chat should be the ONLY tool anyone can use, it is what separates Retail from Classic and we do not need to bring Retail tools over here and ruin our LFG chat interactions.

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Good, sounds like you have no justification for putting RDF into the game then, if, as you say, there’s NO DIFFERENCE. Glad we settled this.

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Those “slight” differences make all the difference.

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If the majority are silent you have no idea what they’re thinking. This is an old saying that has been proven to bite people in the butt more often than not. Just ask the red state of Kansas how their party miscalculated their stance on abortion.

You’re such a poseur.

By having RDF removed it shows EXACTLY what we as a group are thinking, all we know is that our side won while the other side resorts to cheap tactics like creating alts/etc. on the forums to try and win back ground.

RDF is no more, why is this so difficult for people to get used to. It’s reality.

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You do realize Aguy is an actual name right? That people use IRL? It’s not “A guy” but “Aguy”.

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yes thats exactly what i did, i called you a little attack dog because some1 said they probably played more of each xpac and you went on the attack, am i wrong?

They really don’t though. Just look at FF14. The entire game is queueable and the social aspects and community are 1000x better than WoW. A tool doesn’t make or break a community, people do.

This is literally bullying.

No i dont realize. If i ever met someone IRL named “aguy” i’d probably slap “amom” and “adad” for naming “akid” that.

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It must not be a common name. Forgive me, but I don’t go and google everyone’s name. :smile:

The Lobby Kings are really spewing their Wrath today!