As a Community, we do not want RDF

You just are not using it correctly. Do you have your role set properly? Do you really think the answer is to have blizz form your group for you in an MMO RPG? Do you really need your dopamine hit that quickly?

False, the current tool we have isn’t any better than RDF for social interaction people Q themselve and randomly get invite and doesn’t say anything other than “Hi and GG” at the beginning and end of the dungeon, its no different than retail LFD, what truly killed the “social interaction” isn’t the game its the people.


Would be faster if you made the group yourself.

This is because of your fault, not the new tool. The tool can be superior to the RDF tool if used properly, I can give you a guide if you’re stuck.

They must have been on your server since you could never play with them again unless they were.

If it’s “literally the Shadowlands storyline” you’d be able to point to a specific quest or cinematic that reveals this plot point. But you’ve yet to do so. Could it be that it’s not really the storyline but your radical interpretation?

Please supply Blizzard official graphs that showed this.

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How is the new tool’s fault that you don’t know how to properly communicate, RDF just makes everyone lazy and AFK all day. No thanks, you can go to Retail.

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Are you actually trying to debate that the Shadowlands storyline didn’t retcon Warcraft 3 and Wrath lore? Okay troll, go away. You’re a waste of space

I don’t understand why there needs to be a middle ground.

RDF was in the patch notes from Blizzard’s own website. I want to know how they can say with a straight face that they’re recreating their own game but excluding a feature they implemented.

Ion said at the release of Classic if you fell asleep and took a really long nap and woke up, Classic WoW should feel the same as it did back then. Well, if you’re excluding a major patch feature, it’s not the same.

I don’t know why we’re cherry-picking features from the game. If we are, I’d love the new models from Shadowlands, those look amazing. But I cannot have them, because they weren’t in Classic.

My characters look so ugly compared to my Shadowlands toons, but I deal with it, because that’s how the game looked and played back then.

RDF was in WotLK, to exclude it because some folks don’t like it? Well, I don’t like the models, but Blizzard isn’t rushing in and adding the longer tail options to Draenei.


Iv been in multiple groups that formed up and grinded multiple levels while communicating well in the past three weeks. Very rarely did any one say anything in RDF group that didnt end with some one trying to vote kick, or the person talking was just down right nasty and impatient. This sounds like a you issue.

Just because he said something correct that you don’t agree with doesn’t make him a troll.

Yes I am, and you’re losing because I’m asking you how it did and you’ve got no answer to that besides vague interpretations that you can’t reference to any quest, dialogue, or cinematic.

Yeah, lets get the retail AH while we’re at it. Because its at least usable and superior to the classic one in every way.

Post your graphs then? I don’t have my “proof” at hand I’m going off the graphs from the other 1000th RDF thread. Nonetheless you’re the one stating what you deem to be fact, its your responsibility (burden of proof) to prove your point.

RDF came out prior to ICC… Do you actually believe during the ICC raid, there were less players playing than during Ulduar? lmao.


It would be the same if it was included alongside ICC - which is when it was released. They use 3.3 for its balance and bug fixes, not because they want a late wrath QOL tool.

You do not speak for the community! I am a part of said community and I very much want LFD to come back. I am so sick of waiting an hour to get into a dungeon, not everyone has infinite time to play, some of us can only play weekends or a few hours each night. To insist that the majority of players must suffer for your sense of community is absolutely ridiculous.

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Why aren’t you up in arms about Blizzard messing with the ilvls? That’s a far more concerning change than not letting you use RDF.

Oh you mean kind of like how people are AFK in battle grounds?
Or how they are AFK on the island while someone is doing all of the quests there for them
Or how they are AFK while they are being boosted in Dungeons w/a dungeon boost?

Talk about LAZY – Those who AFK and boost are LAZY.

there is no split, ppl want RDF, is like flying, ppl want flying every single expac. the thing i hated the most playing new xpac after they force you to ground was just that, i wanst able to fly.

everything should be as WOTLK, ground all the way to 70 on your main, after that alts could fly, you paid your price, same thing should be RDF. im down to do just vanilla wow dungeons and TBC ones since we are moving past TBC. new ones i could live with doing it the old way. old ones should have the system and the system should give gear as it did back in the day, a reward for completition that will make ppl use it.

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