If anything I applaud your ability to post on so many different characters and talk to yourself without slipping up.
Just yesterday, the BiS epic pants dropped for a feral druid in my group. The resto snatched it and some shaman even defended the said resto when we called him out, saying “no one cares” and all other excuses he could find to excuse textbook ninja looting.
Gee, I really wished they never added RdF to classic so we wouldn’t have such toxic behavior.
Oh, wait.
LOL. You’re so thoughtful you tell people to go back to retail. I can keep going on and on about your stupid comments but I won’t. This thread has seen enough. The majority knows what it wants. And the random dungeon finder will be added in some form in the future. And you will use it too.
You will:
- Get vote kicked
- Get vote kicked because no one in a RDF will ever want to pay you just because you matched with them.
- Get vote kicked
- Get vote kicked
- Get vote kicked
Bonus: Eventually get banned for repeated abusive behavior after enough people report you.
You crybabies always thinking you have the bigger end of the stick when you don’t never fail to give a good show lmao.
This is what I mean, YOU pro-RDF people bully others so much.
Nah. Good try at deflection, though.
If anyone reads your post history they’ll see pure toxicity, when they read mine they’ll find respect and dignity which you pro-RDF people lack.
Well logic shows that the games peak was in 2010 around Wotlk… somehow after that it started declining:thinking:…. I believe the lowest point was a few years later around 2015. I mean….I guess RDF and all the other casual-catering changes did not contribute to its downfall, guess it just magically started to decline.
You’re conflating the experience of finding groups with playing the game and having fun in it. Some of us would prefer RDF. If you and others are fine with running with pals and making your own groups, this wouldn’t effect you at all. My perception is that you don’t want people finding groups as easily as you do or running content as seamless as you. That keeps you on top, and the casuals below. Otherwise, I haven’t heard a great argument for spamming chat or waiting in a listing. You don’t have to use it. Some of us would like to.
People don’t really socialize that much anymore, specially not in dungeons.
Maybe 1 out of 5 groups chats and that’s when you get into a guildy group or they already know each other.
Strangers really don’t talk to each other anymore, this isn’t 2008,
If you want to chat you can talk to your guild, and run a dungeon with them. Most people run dungeons for xp / loot not to talk to other people. That’s why no one really talks and people prefer RDF to speed up the process. Leveling is already a long journey; why walk when you can run.
Yawn. Have anything worthwhile for me to respond to or just going to keep repeating the same worthless stuff like Rdf does, more evidence to point towards you two are actually the same person.
Got any explanation why people dont talk in groups? Is the majority of the playerbase just that anti-social? If thats the case then bring back RDF because its already a non-social playerbase. If you arent blaming me for me groups being anti-social then you cant say that im the cause of others not wanting to talk. Its almost like you dont actually know how the playerbase as a whole functions or acts.
Maybe not in YOUR groups but most if not ALL my groups have been great at talking, I’ve met MANY friends through LFG.
gonna try this and attempt to be civil… you may want to look into the dev interviews…they say in the april 6th one that CATA killed wows popularity. doesnt take that long to find and if you dont skip around in the interview you will actually hear them say that cata was the cause.
That post doesn’t change my mind, it’s proven to kill Social Interactions.
Proven where? Id like for you to elaborate honestly so I can see where you saw the decline in social interaction. I became more social with my guild when it came out. I wanted to do tons of dungeons with them over the PUGS.
Take a look at Retail Culture.
RDF queues literally contain people who don’t speak English, people who don’t understand or care about mechanics and in general people who don’t even speak a single word or communicate because they are on some Discord convo mindlessly mashing buttons in the game or they are alt-tabbed watching a video and couldn’t be bothered.
Cross Realm compounds the issue, in Classic it will lead to Ninja Looting, toxicity and all with no repercussions and they are not on your serve thus removing your server identity.
Classic is NOT Retail, let’s stop trying to turn it into Retail.
Translation: “I have no arguments anymore so I’m just going to call yours worthless and accuse you of alt posting!” How amusing and completely unsurprisng.
So you don’t know what evidence is, got it. This makes a lot of sense then why you have all these unsubstantiated conspiracies.
Like this one. Zero evidence for it, plenty of evidence against it, still believes it. That seems to be your schtick.
I’m not sure why people don’t talk in YOUR groups, I have a huanch though.
It’s not the majority, so far, all you can give testimony to is YOUR own groups.
I’m not blaming you and I have never said you’re the cause of others not wanting to talk. Can you quote me saying that? You can’t, because it was never said. Learn to read.
And how is the different now? i see it all sometimes people suck and are trolls. cant really do much about it and not having rdf will not stop it so… and why do people need to communicate in a RDF. do you chat with everyone at a grocery store when you are there for those things?
I can deny entry based on my preferences. You’re not the class I want? Denied. You’re not the gear I want? Denied. You’re struggling in your parses? Denied.
RDF takes away my Right to select who I want to play with.