So this has been an issue everyone knows about even for servers that have low population. Queue times, I am not sure why everyone had an issue with Random Dungeon Finder (RDF). The only bad side I really hear about it is that it takes away the social contact between people.
While I see that it takes a bit of luster out of the fun of being in a big server/guild and having some loyalty towards said server/guild. Others servers are dying or overpopulated. I know planes sell more tickets and account for people not showing up, but how did it get to the point of 13,000 people trying to get on the same plane (server). Reinstating RDF would balance and entice other people to switch servers with out worry of going to a server that would otherwise be collapsed by the lack of population.
LFR is what made people really get away from guilds and be anti social not RDF and when I speak of RDF I'm talking about cross realm RDF. I play on Benediction If I don't queue by 12-1 pm I wont be playing that night. After going to other servers and talking to a few people I have found that the revamped TBC LFG takes hours on these servers that Don't have issues with population. So this being the issue that bridges everything together yet it was removed.
I'm not here to cause issues with anyone but it seems the only logical way to fix these issues, yes increasing server size would be good but that doesn't even seem to be the underlying issue. I hope this gets the attention to be blue posted but id love to hear all of your thoughts. sorry for the long post *plops potato*
Um… Paragraphs?
No its a rant so no need. thanks for noticing the issues.
Since they aren’t going to do anything to forcibly balance the servers, this is probably the answer for overcrowded and “dead” servers.
If they don’t want to add RDF in itself, they really need to copy the premade group finder from retail.
It would be hard for them to “push” people into other servers seeing how most have made friends along the way. I understand the issue on both sides.
Oh yeah for sure, I wouldn’t recommend that, but at the same time I think it would be the only way to make the game “work” for everyone if they are going to stay firm about not having anything be cross–realm.
Something is gonna have to give though and I think the most tolerable answer would be to add some form of cross-realm functionality for grouping.
Yeah, but knowing the Classic Dev Team, they won’t do that. Then they wonder why there is “Mega Servers” and struggling to actually get people off the “mega-servers”.
Well when people start quitting because the queue times remain unbearable, or because they are on a low-pop server with few-to-no grouping possibilities, maybe they will listen. Blizzard though… and you are right, if they do anything it will probably be after the point things are no longer salvageable.
One can hope though.
drop rdf into game, give a window of 3-5 days for free character transfer, there would be no mega servers left as the pop would shift. not sure how the balance would be on all the servers though as in discord folks would plan which servers to go to for faction dominance, some sort of balancing algorithm would have to be put in place to keep one server from bing 80% alliance and anther server being 80% horde. if that makes sense.
Well, Blizzard needs to do something and fast, because the “solution” they think is the beginning of the long-term problems if they sit around and do nothing.
Random Dungeon Finder, Cross-Realm Grouping, those can help, but Blizzard doesn’t really care.
I don’t think it would be as bad as people think to have RDF cross realm as I recall LFR was more detrimental to social contact. When RDF was out I still was involved in my guild and server but I was able to go do heroics if no one was on. I will admit that most of people’s issues are themselves about being social. You get older and become more of a hermit lol but that’s not all of it
I’d agree that LFR was a far larger cause of the degradation. But if it is really really really important for them not to even add RDF, there is another option that it is fairly imperative they consider for the health of Wrath before it goes the way BC did an become a wasteland outside megaservers.
There is just so much stigma over it and I don’t think its directed at the right thing. It is like when people talk about millennials they mean gen z lol.
Here is a comma or two, ,
And a paragraph
You are welcome
They have a solution, it’s called transfers. I have never had a queue on my server, not have I had any difficulty finding a group.
ahh man someone beat ya to it. THANKS FOR PLAYING
You aren’t wrong… especially about millenials. “Kids”. You guys realize Millenials are quickly approaching the age of 40, right? Lol.
I personally have chatted with many people on servers they want me to transfer too and was told otherwise.
If you are going to go to all the effort of writing something for people to read and comment on make it so you can read it, that just hurts the eyes.
Noted will do next time, gonna be honest I don’t type much and literature isn’t my forte. Getting my thoughts together was more important at the time. Ill edit it.