Maybe if you find me verified evidence it would be different.
why you guys nit reporting this troll. the op has 4-5 alts they post on. its all the same person just report. a gm should shut this down a while ago
Lmao more lies.
No, it wouldn’t. You’re only here to cause problems and infuriate people so you’ll continue to deny everything.
We got the truth out of him. We can move on from this hot garbage.
Go ahead and post ONE verified source and see what happens.
i beg to differ about new world, it was pure toxicity if you went outside your company for a run. the pvp orientation of the game created and caste system and if you werent rolling with the mega companies you were slime and got toxicity by the truckload.
You really think I’ll believe you’d ever admit you’re wrong? You’ve never taken defeat in your life and only cover up things so you feel better about yourself.
And thats why I asked you to define social interaction. If its just talking to others you can do that in RDF so im glad we both agree that you dont have any meaningful argument and they can bring back RDF.
Because im there to do the dungeon. If people want to carry a conversation through whispers im all for it, but im not there to worry about their life. I would have thought this is easily understandable. If this is the best the anti-RDF community can put forward then its going to decline pretty quickly.
Yeah, you are right thats its not suprising that you dont have a sound argument against anything I have said.
Yes this is because I approach everything with Facts and Logic while you approach it with Emotion.
Are you seriously asking the definition of social interaction??
Lmao imagine being this detached from Reality, virtually everyone from the Devs to ALL RDF achievements being removed AND massive anti-RDF outcry shows that there is ZERO decline.
The pro-RDF movement are quite literally the saddest bunch of people on the forums since they can’t even grasp basic reality.
sounds about right.
“Yes(comma) this is because I approach everything with (Why are these capitalized?) Facts and Logic while you approach it with (still capitalized for some reason) Emotion.”
Failure is constructive. It’s how we learn. That is why you never learn and why you are still in grade school despite probably being in the 40-60 age range.
So how come the pro-RDF people didn’t learn after being DESTROYED by the anti-RDF majority?
I am starting to believe that this nutso is spending way too much time in here 24/7 and claim that he’s solo/lvling his way to 80 is not believable.
Pretty much at this point, he’s probably paying his way to get boosted. And that’s probably why he doesn’t like RDF since LFG gives him leeway to get carried/boosted.
That’s harassment.
Your face and your whole life and this existence of the thread trolling people had been harassment.
This thread was meant for the Devs, not for the crazed out pro-RDF crowd that gets toxic.
Guys, let the thread die. We know what he’s about now.
Clearly obvious that not a single blue post responded and appreciated your lunatic trolling and toxic behavior.
So (comma) how come the pro-RDF people didn’t learn after being DESTROYED by the anti-RDF majority?
It wasn’t really our failure. If people didn’t want RDF, they left. This is called “change” not a defeat or victory. They simply changed how they wanted to play the game, taking the option to change with it or move away from it.