I mean that’s just a blatant edit, this one is your actual words:
Dude, it’s a direct quote from you, OLD MAN. He said it! He’ll take it like a champ!
Thank you very much for showing your small brain with your lack of punctuation and random uppercase letters.

If they decide to launch RDF during ICC, then I’ll deal with it then. I will ignore the forums and hide in shame. I’ll also use the dungeon tool to gear up and prepare for ICC 10 mans, before I progress to 25 mans.
Yep. He said it.

Dude, it’s a direct quote from you
Looks like I finally broke you, now you’re just editing pharses and foaming at your mouth while repeating the same insult.
Feels good to expose gold buyers, they can’t handle the shame.
If only you were on my server, i’d get you banned so fast for RMT.
Dude, don’t be mad we finally got you to admit it. Old man!

repeating the same insult
You’ve repeated yourself more than anyone can count.

If they decide to launch RDF during ICC, then I’ll deal with it then. I will ignore the forums and hide in shame. I’ll also use the dungeon tool to gear up and prepare for ICC 10 mans, before I progress to 25 mans.
The funny thing is im socially interacting so you cant make any of the claims you are and be right about it.
You do know just the very action of grouping up with someone else to defeat harder content is social interaction right?

stop playing MMOs if you lack the ability to talk to others
the fact that im talking to others just shows how much a troll you are or you have no argument and are getting desperate, pick one.

Of course you would, you’re a bot. Bots love automation, you thrive off of it. Too bad we’re not getting it, EVER.
Im a bot? How sad for you then because you have no argument against something you claim to be part of an AI which is sad. You really must think the game is hard if you cant beat bots even in conversation.

Im a bot?
He accused you of being me last night, which was hilarious since our grammar structures are totally different and we don’t simp each other. Meanwhile, he and his alt/lover tried to flatter each other and say how hot Rdf is in that neckbeard bald avatar of his.

You do know just the very action of grouping up with someone else to defeat harder content is social interaction right?
That’s not even close to what social interaction means, this is why I called you a bot.

the fact that im talking to others
You literally admitted to NOT talking to others, you just type 3 words and think that’s interacting with someone.

How sad for you then because you have no argument against something you claim to be part of an AI which is sad.
It’s not really surprising, we got the Metaverse and VR now.
Yeah, none of his alts are good at grammar which is a dead giveaway.

Dude, don’t be mad we finally got you to admit it. Old man!
You do realize this guy has been trolling the forums for like months now right? You keep feeding him replies, it makes no sense.
Just let the thread die.
It is spelled “grammar”. “Grammer” has a different meaning buddy boy.

If they decide to launch RDF during ICC, then I’ll deal with it then. I will ignore the forums and hide in shame. I’ll also use the dungeon tool to gear up and prepare for ICC 10 mans, before I progress to 25 mans.
Told you we’d break him!

It is spelled “grammar”.
Clearly someone failed their English class.
I looked it up bucko:
Inkforall is not a verified site.
Literally no evidence we would ever find is acceptable to you. I’ll stick with my correct evidence because I know no matter what you’ll ignore it because of your tiny brain.