As a Community, we do not want RDF

this is why ive started suggesting making pvp servers no rdf but pve servers with rdf lol

I’m pretty sure we’ll get a cross realm solution. Maybe when ICC rolls out, like they did 12 or so years ago.

I’m not too concerned either way. They don’t put it in, I will survive. They do, awesome. No need to try and convince folks it was the retails downfall. It wasn’t. Time was, amongst other things like poor development.

Is this /sarcasm? That would be sad if true.


Nope; as a rogue main and mainline PvPer I watched WPVP die over night with RDF and than when I came back for cata with Azeroth flying it was even worse. Didnt resub until they announced Classic.

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That isnt what he said at all, but okay.

If you have a group of friends you always can run with, then RDF shouldn’t matter to you in the slightest. People are confusing cross-realm RDF with just a single server having it. What difference does it make if you can randomly queue, versus having to spend up to an hour (or more) trying to find a group?

Cata. World flying. Eventual raid finder. Terrible final raid. Terrible successive content (Cata, Warlords of failure, etc). I would argue this, and later junk hurt the game. Not dungeon finder.

I assure you, dungeon finder rocked. Opened the game up for a huge lot. The only people I could see it hurting was anyone gatekeeping, etc. Or anyone looking to hold others back.

Never made it to Firelands in cata it was just way too streamlined of an experience and thus extremely boring. The heroics were fun though.

To the op, you don’t speak for me and yes i am part of the community.

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Firelands was a decent raid. That raid with Cho’ Gall was decent too. But that Dragon soul was a joke. I think in it’s hardest mode it was beaten the day it was allowed to open, or within a few days. It was really bad. And then they added raid finder when dragon soul came out. The AFK abode. It promoted bad behavior (afk, or people who just wanted to chat and not do a damned thing).

This this this.

It wasn’t the downfall, it was the start of the downfall. The impact was immediate. Servers went from constant chatter in all zones, to constant silence.

It’s literally untrue. Who the hell asked for a raid finder? I don’t know one soul who did. If they exist, it’s likely to troll the forums, just like RDF is doing here.

On top of that, there were over 10 million people playing wrath. SO MANY packed servers. When you were trying to find a group, you couldn’t read through the massive spam. That was a main reason for creating a dungeon tool. To automate dungeons instead of trying to “scroll up” in area/group chat looking for folks having it drop back down every new message.

You can queue with 5 people. Cutting down on flight time never hurt anyone.

Would you freaking complain if your flight from NY to Las Vegas got there 30 minutes faster because of tail winds?

Or would you complain because you lost 30 minutes of socializing with complete strangers?

LOL. People still needed to raid form, bud. And the evenings of most servers were spamming folks looking for 10/25man people to fill the group. Then again, i’m not sure if you were on a doody server or not.

Literally the opposite happened but keep peddling your Fake News, gold buyer.

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wasnt that way on nordrassil, was constant chatter in open world and in rdf dungeons.

You keep lying about me. I’m starting to think you’re jealous, old man!

Even through the garbage 4.0 patch, the game held over 10 million subscribers through the first 3 to 6 months of cata.

Cata brought garbage change. There was no retention in retail wrath whatsoever. While there were folks who took a break because they destroyed the content like they always did. The subscriptions didn’t die until well into cataclysm. This is where you spew more of your lies, old man. Keep it up. We’ll keep you in check.

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It was your quote not mine.

Wrong RDF was the initial garbage change, they had LFR in the plans the whole time. People like you don’t belong on OUR Classic servers. Go back to Retail with your Retail mechanics.

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You’re a worthless troll. Get better at it, old man. Or get lost.

And you admitted to RMT, I actually looked up your guild too. Shouldn’t take long before everyone knows what you’ve been up to :slight_smile: